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Everything posted by Chymous

  1. Yes, We both get regular STD checks so thats not a problem.
  2. I think the thing that made me worry was the fact that she was due for her next period two days after we got back together. We slept together a couple of times in between and it never arrived so I started to think more about it when she told me she maybe pregnant yesterday and the fact she told me honestly when she first came back to me about sleeping with her friend.
  3. We didnt use condoms and she had a blood test which showed a negative result after she broke up with her boyfriend at the time and I cant be certain either way if they did use protection or not. I honestly cant be sure if that is true or not (about the blood test) and this is what worries me, Aswell as the fact I cant be sure she used a condom with the friend. Shes taking the test right now at the family planning in my town so in the next 30mins I should have an answer and im probably worrying over nothing but I guess its best to plan for the worst. Its just the fact of I dont want to sit around for 9 months and think the baby is mine to find out its not once its been born... I know that may seem unkind as its still a living person but I just wanted to be sure that in 2 weeks she could get pregnant to myself and that the things that happened a month ago are not going to be the actual truth. Im 24 and shes 19, Its not the age that matters to me or the father personally. Just the fact I dont wish to think its mine to find out it can not be.. You know?
  4. Ok this all started at New Years when I slept with my now girlfriend And she had just had her period two days before going to where we met up. It turned out she already had a boyfriend and when she went back home she continued to be with him for another week before breaking up when I made her be honest to him and tell him what had happened. After she broke up with him she slept with a friend of hers while upset (using a condom) and 4 days later we got together it has now been two weeks and she thinks she is pregnant and is getting a test done today as she is just over a week late and has tummy cramps, My question is this... How long after sex until you can get pregnant? Shes told me she used the pill and being a stupid male I never thought anything of it until now. I've told her even if its not mine im not going to run away because thats just not me. But im worried that it might not be mine as she had slept with these other two inbetween me and us getting back together. Although she said she had a blood test after breaking up with the Boyfriend and it showed no signs of being pregnant and she used a condom with the other. I guess its just peace of mind as I'm not worried if its mine and not worried if its not. Please help
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