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  1. I'd like some impartial advice from anyone who can tell me who is being out of order here. We've been together almost 5 years, and have a 2 year old son. He started Uni in September (as a mature student) and there made friends with a girl B. I can't stand B, she is (in my opinion) amoral and a . My boyfriend has had 'online' things with girls in the past, that in my eyes was cheating (y'know, full works online stuff) but has never cheated 'in real life'. I still have trust issues about this. B and my boyfriend see each other most days. She doesn't go more than a few minutes without mentioning sex (as aknowledged by my boyfriend too). She's sex obsessed. She's willing to cheat. So, along with seeing each other most weekdays at uni (and at the pub sometimes, and every single time he has been out at night with friends, which hasn't been that often) chatting regularly on MSN, having conversations I am uncomfortable with (and say so), they also text each other lots. Looking at the online bill of texts, ALL his other friends were one page, I was one page, and texts to B were 3 pages. He thinks this is normal, I say it isn't. I'm hurt and upset and angry, and he doesn't see why. Throughout their friendship, I have been lied to about things. He bought her a pregnancy test in the first few weeks which I found out about months later. He hid a text message last week he thought I would be upset at (it wasn't that bad AT ALL... It was NOTHING to be pissed at!), and there have been LOTS of other lies too, nothing major that I know of though. So, opinions?
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