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  1. Made a complete post and it didn't submit. Basically we broke up because I was tired of feeling like I had two children -- our daughter and him. He can't get up on his own...which drives me nuts. We have been late to things so many times...and when I have to spend my morning getting ready, getting the baby ready, and getting him out of bed -- I'm usually pissed off. I don't get a day off. The opinions from everyone are driving me crazy -- my mom, his mom, and my best friend specifically. Each has her own personal reasons FOR her opinion, but honestly none of them seem to directly relate to *our* problem -- they are more about what each of them has experienced in their lives. We are partially broken up because I am interested in being together in the future. He needs to learn to start getting himself out of bed and stop going out all the time. I need to learn to like myself and to not worry so damn much. As far as counseling, I'm looking into it. I'd like to talk to someone but I'm not sure where I would go with it, so I came here first. need2bme -- I know exactly what you mean about having a hand in the problems. My mom and best friend refuse to see that its not all him that is causing the problem. Its both. I have problems and so does he, and when I try to tell my mom that its me too, her response is "Why do you blame yourself? Don't stick up for him. You used to be so strong". I had to tell her the other day, finally, that I'm not as "strong" as I act. I've never been "strong" -- I've been pretending. I don't know how to tell these people just to shut up and back off about it.
  2. I honestly have no clue what to start with here, so here goes: Right now I feel like I'm in a rut. I just got out of a 3 year relationship, which I'm only partially out of. I moved out of the house my fiance and I own and took our 10 week old daughter with us. Here's the situation: I'm at the point right now where I'm not sure what I want to do. I'm torn between wanting to go home and wanting to stay away. I'm unhappy with my situation, I'm unhappy with myself, I'm unhappy with my life. I love my daughter very much, but right now I don't feel like I'm being a very good mom. Everything right now feels like crap. I have my mom and sister on one side pressuring me to stay away from my fiance (Eric), I have Eric's family pressuring me to come back, I'm working full time, going to school full time (online), and all the while taking care of my baby. Not to mention the fact that my best friend is quick to say things about my fiance, but her husband hits her. I have gotten to the point where I have no one to talk to because I can't talk to anyone I know...they all have biased opinions. I have a lot on my plate right now and it doesn't help the fact that I'm living at home with my parents again -- which, trust me, is a very weird thing. So basically I'm unhappy, tired, confused, getting opinions that don't help a bit, and pissed off because I'm all of the above. Now I know that no one may be able to understand where I'm coming from, but I just need some advice or help from someone that won't take my side just because they "know me". Any opinions on what I should do?
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