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Posts posted by stylejunkie

  1. What do you do when your head and your heart are telling you two different things? Here is my dilemma: My head is telling me to be happy with the relationship I'm in. That this is the logical thing to do financially, emotionally and morally. My heart on the other hand is telling me I belong with someone else. Someone I never stopped loving. Now, I do love the person I am with now, been with him for almost 3 years. But I have always been in love with someone else, for going on 6 years now. So how do I know what is right? This is driving me crazy. I cut the other person out of my life hoping that would make a difference but it hasnt. I get so depressed sometimes because I think what if my heart is right. What if I am supposed to be with this other person. And then I counter that with, what if all thats wrong and I'm right where I'm supposed to be. How do you know? Anyone here with a similar problem? what did you do? did you follow your head, or your heart?

  2. don't worry about it!


    From my opinion and recent experience NC is not always the best option...


    I think its harder to try and ignore the person and try not to call them .. and I actually feel better for having talked to him a bit.


    NC isn't for everyone


    I am so glad to hear someone finally say this!! I just joined this forum and I belong to one other one and all everyone talks about is how NC is the best option. So I decided to try it but I'm glad that I am not the only one who may not neccesarily think its the best option.

  3. first I believe what southerngirl meant by 'red wings' is that you performed oral during your girls period. I hope you dont tell her that you think she taste bad as this is likely to hurt her feelings and possibly make her hesitant to let you try again or do other things. I guess I'm saying it will give her a complex about herself, and probably embarrass her. I think it probably tasted bad because she had just finished her period that day. She may not have been completely 'finished'. I think you should try it again in a week or so, or sometime when she hasnt just had her period and see if there is a difference. good luck!

  4. Ok, I have decided to take this challenge! First of all, I kind of initiated NC on Dec. 29th. But not fully because I am guilty of checking his myspace. So from today on for 30 days I am prepared (hopefully) to have absolutely no contact with him...and maybe after that I wont feel the urge or need to contact him or look at his myspace...

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