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Everything posted by futureUSpresident

  1. Hey Guys. Thanks for the advice (it was a quick response!) thus far, and I want you to know that your advice is being heard! I respect everyones input (your input is what I'm in need of!) and appreciate your taking the time for all of this. He means alot to me, and it is really about the extent to which I am willing to go to preserve the relationship; but, college is such a whirlwind change (or so I hear) and it will be incredibly altering, regardless of the fact that I know what its like to live on my own without parents. Him and I have spoken about this, and it's obvious he is not happy about the possibility that we could break up.. this is why I've come to you. Thanks again, I will be keeping up with the thread Ash
  2. Hey guys. For starters.. I really admire people who do actually take the time to give advice to those who ask for it. Also, as an 18 year old female.. there are ALOT of things I still need to learn. Hopefully one of your opinions helps! Heres the deal: My boyfriend is 23 and I'm 18. We've been together since June, when I began working at my Mom's company temporarily (this became a full time position later in the summer, and is currently a p/t job.) Right away a few things stand out: 1) He's 23, I'm 18. That's five years. 2) He works with my Mom. Not exactly a comforting feeling for her. Things have otherwise been great. We literally spend very few days apart (I don't live with my parents, so I stay with him alot) and when we're together it's pure comfort. He's my boyfriend, but he's also my buddy and someone I trust. This isn't my first time in love, but it is with someone who treats me with respect, sensitivity, patience, and trust. Problem # 1: Parents My parents (or Mom in particular) is uncomfortable with a situation that incorporates her work life into her personal life. My family is nuts and it shows at gatherings and so forth, so she has done her best to separate the two worlds. Also, his age is of concern. With five years difference and at the point in our lives that we are.. I'm beginning adulthood, he's there. I'm going to college, he's not; and their concern is that if he comes with me, or if we stay together.. I'll be missing out on a huge social/emotional development period that I may live to regret. Problem # 2: College I'm going away in the fall and nothing is stopping me. Before Greg, college was my goal and with or without him.. college remains my goal. My education is VERY important to becoming a Judge and I'm not willing to give up the EDUCATION. As for the social aspect, yes.. I want to enjoy college to its fullest-- meet new people, live with new people, have real conversations, etc. but I also love Greg and want him a part of my life too. Now as easy as a LDR sounds, it's not -- not for me. I'm the type who needs my significant other within a reasonable distance or if not, separated for a reasonable time. He considered moving with me, but I'm not sure that makes sense (him leaving his job, my parents probably killing him, etc.). Problem #3: Me With these two external pressures, I'm pushing him away. It's almost as if I'm sub consciously attempting to find things about him that annoy me.. or that I really hate. This is new, and while it may be natural.. it doesn't exactly seem so. Confusion. This is why I need your help Options: - Break up now - Stay together until college - Attempt an LDR (probably pointless) - Other HELP! I really need assistance at this point in my life and obviously my parents are CAUSING a part of the issue. Any assistance would be great. Thanks!
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