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Everything posted by sherrysilver

  1. You are so right about finding self worth inside and not finding it through others I'm slowly learning this also. I can't wait to master this I want to be able to have joy without having bitter people steal it away.
  2. They called my husband today asking us did we want to go out again ,Im very hesitant about this. I kind of wish I never gave her my phone number,shes also on my buddylist on a website I visit often so there is no way of avoiding her.I don't want to come off as being rude,what should I do...
  3. Thanks guys I feel a whole lot better getting this off of my chest.
  4. Meet someone online who I thought would make a great friend,so after two days of talking online we decided to meet up at a restraunt,the dinner was going great her husband and my husband were really enjoying each others company ,than all of a sudden she ask about my Ged which I had explained on my profile that Im trying to get my Ged so I can take a few nursing aid classes,So anyway she asks in a rude way why didn't I finish Highscool what grade did you drop out in . I was kind of shocked by this and the waiter beside me seemed very shocked,So after she says this to me she goes on to talk about how young she is and how she graduated in 2006.Than she started ranting about how her husband is 27 and shes 19.I really had no problem with her age not once did I mention this I don't know why she kept bringing this up.Can anyone make sense of this](*,)
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