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Everything posted by aha_jackie

  1. i need help in making a decision and actually going through with it. im 19 and married my high school sweet heart after joining the army. right after marrying him, i was pregnant with my now 1 month old son. i dont wana be married to him any more and realized that i made a big mistake in getting married. i also realized that im still in love with my former boyfriend (before i met my husband). me and him were separeted but i still wanted to make things work with him. i thought he was still so mad at me for a problem that we were having before that i decided to just try to move on and forget about him by getting married with the guy that i cheated on him with. About almost a year went by that i never heard from mmy ex until he messaged me on myspace saying that i owe him money for the really high phone bill that i made talking to my now husband, and from there, thats when i started talking to him again and old feelings came back and everything. the point is, daniel(my husband) wanted me out of the army so i used myself being pregnant to get out on a chapter, now im living with my in-laws and theyre helping me take care of the baby. my family hates my ex-boyfriend, my husband doesnt know that ive started talking to him, and me and daniel talked about being separated and having a divorce (i told him i didnt think i loved him any more and that i not happy) i wana go back to my boyfriend and take my baby with me. i knkow that he wold be able to take care of me and my baby but i know that if i do what i want, then my family wold stop talking to me and i wouldnt have any family to go back if i need help or anything. Am i being selfish in doing this and not giving my husband a chance to be a father? Ami being selfish for wanting my own happiness and putting my child through a situation where he has to have his fathercome visit him instead of coming home to seeing his mommy and daddy together? i dont know what to do i seriously need help (he was deployed in Iraq the whole time i was pregnant and is stationed and living in a different state than i am)
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