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Everything posted by jazzislife

  1. We used to have a "normal" and happy family until my mom started having this midlife crisis deal when she realized that i was going to high school and my sister was going to middle school. she went back to school to become a teacher. I do not have a problem with her getting a job but from 8th grade on, her classes, then her class ruled her life. She no longer had time for anything with the family and when i presented my frustration, she said it would get better. In the mean time, i had to deal with getting dropped off at school at 6:15am (school starts at 8:50) and getting picked up at 5:45pm (school ends at 4:05). To compensate for my mom's never being around, i began getting really close to my friends and practiced my saxophone profusely. Now, three years later, she is still obsessing over school ("i don't have time for that. I have school." etc.) yet is all of a sudden trying to treat me like I was three years ago. I've had to grow up since then and now i don't need her. She complains that i never eat the meals she makes but it's because she doesn't make meals anymore, she just buys those nasty (and really unhealthy) microwave things. She also tries to force me to talk to her and expects me to have the same cheerleader personality as her. All I ever get from my parents is how much i suck and what i do wrong. I have a 101 GPA, have many good friends, am really good at the saxophone, and somehow all I get is accusations. "You're a horrible greedy child." "You don't deserve anything." My dad was physically abusive to me once and is very sorry but i can't forget it. My mom acts like a teenage girl and cries to my dad causing me to get verbal abuse from him. Why can't she grow up and act like an adult? My parents say they support me yet they never have time and they scream at me when i ask for things i need (like reeds for my sax). They love my little sister who is preppy, wastes money on shopping, gets in fights, and has only "average" grades. Here's a scenario: I got in a car accident and had severe chest pain and was begging them to take me to the doctor but they just told me to take some advil (which i had already tried). The next day, my sister got hit in the nose with a basketball and said she was fine but my mom freaked out and wanted to rush her to the doctor. wtc? i got in a freaking car accident and she won't take me but my sister just got a nosebleed and she jumped to go take her. Basically, i'm beyond being sad about all this (not having time, me not being good enough, etc.) and i want them to just get away from me. I can stand my dad (sometimes) but I cannot stand my mom. I'm graduating early so i can get away from them and quite frankly, once i leave for college, I'm not coming back. They've driven me away yet are trying so hard to do the opposite. It just makes me want to leave more. My mom tries to treat me like i'm still a baby, like i was before she did all this school crap. I've become self sufficient now. My boyfriend's parents have been better parents to me than mine ever have. They actually accept me for who i am. Is it wrong to just separate myself from them once i leave for college this summer? I truly do not want to have anything to do with them.
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