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Posts posted by emit_remmus

  1. I don't want to end up like any of you people that are in there 30s and single. I'm so afraid of ending up like that. You know, tonight was the first time I went out to eat by myself. I don't know how to describe the feeling. Emptiness? Sadness? Embarrassment? Courageous?


    I want to change now. I hate seeing couples. I'm so jealous and envious of what they have. That is my motivation.


    *Plays Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve*

  2. After many attempts at finding love, only to find they were already taken, and after many tries only to find that I didn't feeling anything, I felt released and sad, sad because I've tried with many girls but all seem to have a boyfriend. I don't know if I'm just looking in the wrong places.


    I then decided to experience true loneliness.


    I decided I would do things by myself as if all of my friends, in the future, were married and living their lives with love and all the sort of romance. I went to the coffee shop to study, and in walks in this girl from the place I work at. I also see her all the time, in maybe 10 different classes. We chat a lot, but the catch is I'm not feeling the feeling between us. She's nice, but just not feeling it. I study with her, and we leave off together. I do not want to lead her on, but I can't avoid all the coincidences.


    I decided to eat out alone.


    So I went to some nice restaurant, it actually wasn't that bad and I didn't care really. I got to chat with the waitress about my relating to being a waiter myself. I tipped her nice, $5, in hopes that karma will repay me somehow.


    I thought about going to see a movie alone. But I didn't have the time.

  3. i have a crush on this girl in class. i talk to her for a bit now, and shes real friendly as far as touching and stuff. i found her on facebook(i felt like a stalker) because her name was on the second page, so i had to do some work in looking at each picture closely. i'm itching to add her or poke her right now because i cant wait to see her again. what could happen from doing this?


    i would like to know if anyone has done this before?

  4. Theres just too many factors in finding that one, y'know what I mean? Its really stressful how many girls you go through and not one meaningful relationship, or they're already taken. They say not to try, but don't men have to be the ones that approach the girl? It would be nice if the girl approached the guy. Then theres this stuff about chemistry, what is it? Would it be looks that attract me to the girl? Should I approach the girl if I like how she looks because its chemistry?


    I grew up not being allowed to date or have friends that were female. I'm not sure if it was my mom's culture or her religion(Jehovah's Witness). I'm sure it wasn't the religion or the culture because female friends existed in both. It was probably personal parenting preference I'm not sure, and I'm not sure if its having any affect on me today.


    If I try to act single or whatever, enjoy being single, I tend to be anti-social because then I won't be talking to girls. And if I just talk to guys I'll feel kind of homosexual. And then I've done some pretty homosexual stuff too but it was just for fun because I'm comfortable with myself. It wasn't nothing too sexual like kissing or sticking it or taking it, but just brotherly love type of stuff. You know what? I'm closer to some guys then girls. Its like they're like a brother to me. Is that how chemistry is suppose to be with a girl?

  5. Just then, I had a dream I was in Las Vegas. I just arrived in town and I was trying to find a hotel to check into. I went to the first hotel I saw just to get information and pricing. It was very oriental looking. That place was too expensive but I did find another.


    So I went to the other hotel, and I tried to find the check out desk. I went to the upper levels and didn't find anything. So I went back into the elevator, and three girls walked in after me. They were giggling and after a moment one of the girls touched my face and made out with me. She was pretty hot too. They arrived at their floor and got off, and a floor later, I got off the elevator.


    For some reason I was going towards the entrance, but then I realized I did't have my luggage. I run back to the checkout desk upstairs, and I tell security that I lost a bag. I couldn't stand there just waiting, so I retraced my path back to the entrance, and there was my bag. It was at the entrance.


    I woke up.


    I had dreams similar to this before, where I had to do something in order to wake up or someone or a loud obtrusive noise woke me up. The dream I recalled to you happened for 2 hours. I could have simply just woken up to avoid the stress of having to find a lost bag, but no, I instead I got 2 more hours of sleep.


    Have you ever been trapped inside your dream before?

  6. Okay you guys are 17, 19 and 20. Get over it. Most people do find love "eventually". But "eventually" doesn't mean "by the time you're 20". Please, get some perspective. Girlfriends aren't all they're cracked up to be anyway. They're a pain in the butt. And falling in love is about as much fun as falling into a hole. It hurts. If you start comparing yourself to your friends and getting desperate, you will just attract the wrong women (if any women at all). Take it easy, get out there are meet people, be yourself, be friendly, and you WILL fall in love soon (for better or for worse).


    Easy for you to say when you have already found love.

  7. All I want is for my body to be firm and skinny. I talked to the physician at my physical today and he told me yeah I need tons more calories for my brain to work. I ate 3 veggie egg bites today, a can of tuna with a wheat bagel, and a lean cuisine. That is about 500 calories total. I'll probably eat some string beans with white rice at work. Go run later tonight at the gym.


    Can you look over this meal plan I got from spark people and tell me if this is a good diet for me, not too much for me, I'm 5'2 ft and I weigh 135.5lbs, I probably have some muscle on me too. I'm not fat, but I'm not firm.


    I have 2 different plans to switch around with so I won't get bored:


    Orange Juice, 4 FL OZ

    Milk, nonfat, 1 cup

    total ceral, 0.75 cup 1 serving

    bagels, oat bran, 0.5 bagel

    cream cheese, 1 tbsp

    this is 387 calories, 7 fat, 68 carb, 17 protein


    For lunch:


    baby carrots

    whole wheat bread

    peanut butter


    This is 415 calories, 12 fat, 71 carbs, 10 protein


    For dinner:

    I'll get a lean cuisine and a chocolate pchip cookie

    This should be around 485 calories, 21 fat, 50 carbs, 28 protein


    For snack:

    orange juice

    tortilla chips 1 oz


    This should be 247 calories, 8 fat, 42 carbs, 5 protein


    IN total: 1534 calories, 48 fat, 230 carbs, 61 protein


    Another is:




    Multigrain cheerios

    bagel oat bran

    cream cheese

    390 calories, 7 fat, 69 carbs, 17 protein







    an oat brain bagel

    429 calories, 13 fat, 61 carbs, 22 protein



    Again a lean cuisine with an orea cookie

    Should be around 505 calories, 11 fat, 68 carbs, and 39 protein


    a snack:

    baby carrots

    kraft light done right ranch salad dressing

    peanut butter granola bar x 2

    305 calories, 17 fat, 36 carbs, 5 protein

    in total: 1629 calories, 47 fat, 234 carbs, 84 protein


    This along with 8 speed running for 35 minutes and alternate lifting days.


    Any input would be appreciated

  8. Also I'm cheap, this week's groceries: consisting of just tuna, veggie bites, lean cuisines, water, red bull, dried fruit(i just ate that now) and v8 juice costed me only $36.


    When I use to buy fruit, meat, rice, bagels, protein shakes, vegetables, salad, and energy bars it costed $80.


    So I can save $50 if I starve myself.


    I want to look good naked. I really do not like my bulge, right now I look like an almost skinny shaved head dude. I don't even have a 6 pack. Also I miss having long hair, but I can't grow it back because I can't go through the middle stages of my hair growth, its just a lot to maintain with thick hair.

  9. Okay I burned off 360 calories doing cardio, that was 3 miles in 20 minutes, and I lifted for pex, bicep, tricep, and back muscles today. I also took in 460 calories and 32 carbs from eating some veggie bites for breakfast with diet V8 blast tropical bled and a sugar free red bull. I had a can of light tuna for lunch with a bottle of water, and I just ate a Lean Cuisine roasted garlic chicken for dinner with a bottle of water.


    I have some dried strawberries and bananas to snack on, that have 90 calories and 24 carbs.


    And is a bowl of white rice okay to substitute for a meal? I work at a Chinese food restaurant and white steamed rice seems like the only viable option there? Does anyone know how many calories and carbs a bowl of steamed rice has?


    Is this diet today too much? Is it sufficient? Or too extreme? Most importantly, if I keep up this diet will I attain a hard looking body?


    I'm 5"2 male.

  10. DO you live an expensive lifestyle? Is there anything you could do to simplify your life? The less money you spend the less you have to work.


    For instance, I only spend my money on my bills:

    $445 for rent

    $50 for utilities

    $100 for health insurance

    $50 for credit card bills

    $150 for car note

    $120 for a month of groceries

    $20 for a month of gas

    Thats $785 a month.

  11. DocHoliday: I put myself in your position last semester and I know it what its like man. You have to list what you value more and prioritize that list. For instance, my list from high priority to low is this now:

    1) SCHOOL

    2) Friends

    3) Extracurricular activites

    4) work


    I think of it in terms of the chance of doing something again. I can always work in my life and make money, but I this will be the only time in my life I'll get to truly experience college life, my friends, and participate in cool activities like caving and racing.

  12. It seems like everyone finds love eventually except for me. I'm not sure whether its me (from my posts here I sound psychotic, whatever) or just my environment. I'm not sure what I'm doing thats a turn off but I'm definitely postively sarcastically facecious in all situations and circumstances, or is it that I'm not in the right place, meeting the right girls, my type? Does type even exist?


    It seems as if there is so much that goes into finding the right person: place, timing, looks and emotion at the time, their feelings about you, and your feelings about them, where one little thing could turn either off and blow either one off not giving another chance as if it could have been bad day for either person.


    I'm glad all of my friends offically have girlfriends though and that I still get to hang out with a few even though they have girlfriends.


    Atleast I still have my tree.

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