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  1. Okay, here's the situation... My girlfriend and I have been dating for almost a year now and a week ago we almost broke up because she gets so out of control when she drinks in a mean way. She punched me in the face for almost no reason and I threw her out, but we got back together for my birthday weekend. For my birthday her friend came down who is exceptional hot and we all went out with some friends. My gf and this girl got soo drunk and I was quite tipsy myself. My gf passes out and her friend and I end up making out a couple of times. My gf asked me about it the next morning and I denied it b/c I didn't want to hurt her. Our relationship is based on honesty, but now I don't know whether or not to say anything to her friend about it b/c her friend may not even remember doing it. I don't want my gf to think I lied to her, but my gf could ask this girl about it. Although this girl is not afraid to make out when she is drunk, my gf and her have done so many times. I cannot stop thinking about this girl, but know she is WAY off limits right now. Also my best friend told me that my gf was telling him she wanted to be single. Our relationship is kinda on the rocks right now with the big fight we've had anyway, so I am pretty much just ranting, but I really would appreciate any advice. I mean my gf is soo pretty but shallow and stuck up, *** conceited, but i love her. How do you know if these girls are worth what you put up with? I am just now 21 and although it's been a year with her we are not really serious, just have alot of fun together... Help me out please....
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