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sad soul

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  1. I also forgot to say that my husband has been a little different in bed lately......doing kinkier stuff...........he also on occasion just gone out and bought me gifts..........I know that is great, but is that normal? I also hacked into his im account and he has several womens names there on the contact list.........it is a work account and one of his secretaries was listed twice. As well as a woman that he put down as TESSY >3. What does the >3 mean?
  2. Okay, my husband of six years has been totally devoted to me.....or so I thought. It never crossed my mind that he would ever cheat on me. I am the kind of wife that wears tiny lingerie to bed, sends him "playboy" type photos at work.......dresses up with heels during sex. I work hard to stay attractive for him. I often ask him to go to stripclubs.....I look at playboy right along with him. This is the problem. A female coworker has been calling his phone alot on the weekends just to chat. They go to lunch just the two of them. She tells him that her husband is mean to her and she cant stand him. Her husband is also accusing her of cheating. He felt comfortable enough to tell her that I had accused them of cheating! I have caught him in a few little lies. stupid lies. I felt uncomfortable around her when I visited him at work the other day. Even though I watch porn with him..........I found a HUGE stash of porn mags. that he had hidden from me! I FOUND A 400 DOLLAR PORTABLE DVD PLAYER WITH PORN HIDDEN. he had bought it a year ago. We had shopped for portable dvd players last week for our baby for the car.........AND HE NEVER MENTIONED HE ALREADY HAD ONE! He says its for business trips.......and he uses it in the bathroom to masturbate. He said guys have to have a visual to jack off! He is very defensive about all this........lies and lies. Even over how much the dvd player cost! IS SOMETHING GOING ON? Or am I just going crazy being a stay at home mom to our baby? Thats what he says, that I have been cooped up too long and need to see a doctor! I just have this feeling that something isn't right.........like the person I thought I knew..........I don't know all the way.............that scares me! He says the woman at work is older and not attractive..........I know that looks don't matter when someone has an affair! Please help........I am either paranoid crazy or my intuition is right.
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