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Everything posted by nomoretears4uboo

  1. He's 21 will be 22 in march. And I'll be 21 in January.
  2. Well, he was the one who came up with the baby idea. And I kept telling him not until i was married and all that good stuff. We also see each other almost everyday. So in the past 60 days its been maybe not even 10 days that we havent seen each other. I think we might be spending too much time together. And its not like giving us time to miss each other either. My last relastionship lasted a year and I saw him everyday. Specially because we worked together and hung out after work. So I dont want him getting tired of me. Any ideas on how to build a good solid relationship like you mentioned?
  3. I kinda see where you're coming from. My ex was legally separated from his wife and not divorce. They have a child together and they all lived with his parents. She would always call him and leave him voicemails saying she wanted him back. I honestly i dont think you are overeacting because, if hes not doing anything either to stop it. Doesnt it make wonder why he's not doing anything? Have you asked him to tell her to stop?
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