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Posts posted by kittysaysmeow

  1. Did you ever get closure?


    No. Not really. I just found out yesterday that he added me on his msn again (we mutually blocked each other). I was just curious one day and was checking to see who had me on their list...and then I saw his email. I was really floored. My stomach dropped.


    So, of course, I added him back to see what he wanted. But his icon didn't show up so he must have deleted my msn just not blocked it. So...he basically added me and deleted me (this must have happened this week since last week his name wasn't there).


    I want to be in a place in which I won't care if he adds me again or if I see him out in public. It's been such a slow process. It's seriously driving me nuts.

  2. It sounds like you're going to anyway.


    I would strongly advise against emailing. I'm not sure if it's against your college rules but I know that at my University it is definitely frowned upon. This could cause a lot of problems at his work...do you really want to feel guilty about that?


    It sounds like he's just being nice. I say forget about it and move on.

  3. I don't think he's having an affair, but I have to wonder why he see's her as his best friend and not you????


    I don't think couples need to be best friends at all. In fact, they shouldn't be. Best friends are supposed to be someone outside of your personal life that you can talk to.


    It doesn't sound like he's having an affair.

  4. If I got cheated by my b/f, I would only want to know if it was serious, if it involve sex or the other kinds of sexual acts. If it was a one time kiss/making-out, I prefer not to know anything about it, I guess the only time would not to know about that is if he continue to do it many times or plan on ending it.


    I have to disagree with you. Cheating is cheating and I don't think there are varying degrees of it. What's the difference between sex and making out? Seriously...I would consider kissing more intimate than sex any day.

  5. Is this a paid internship? If so, I would try to find something while still working there. That way you're not financially insecure while trying to find a new internship.


    I say go for it. Try to find something new. This way you'll know what you want to do with your future career.


    *btw, congrats on graduating next year! Yay! I graduated University last spring at it was seriously one of the happiest days of my life.

  6. I agree that cheating is never a good sign. I personally wouldn't cheat on my SO and then continue on with the relationship (I will never cheat again).


    That said, I don't think I would tell them about the cheating when I break up with them either. I agree that cheating is selfish, but I think it's even more selfish to to break up with someone then tell them that you cheated. Not only are you hurting them by breaking up but now you're also trying to make yourself feel better because you feel guilty? If you cheat you should feel bad, not make your SO feel worst.

  7. I guess it really depends on the person!


    I've been cheated on and I can truly say that I wish I didn't know. Just break up with me without telling me about the cheating!


    I don't ever want to cheat again...I've learned my lesson. But if I had to break up with my ex all over again I don't think I would have told him.


    I sometimes find people that tell the truth about cheating selfish. It's like you want to other person to take away your guilt or something. So not only did you cheat on them but you're also trying to make yourself feel better by hurting them more.

  8. I met my current bf online. We live together and are happy. So, I don't think it's desperate at all.


    The reason I started doing it was because (like RayKay) I was tired of meeting people through friends...blind dates...yuck! I also was never into the whole bar thing.


    Dating online gives you the opportunity to actually "talk" to someone before going out to coffee. But, like in real life, you'll find some duds. That said, I have some great stories about online dating (you would not believe what some guys will do or say!) and I enjoy making my friends laugh!


    I say try it but be careful. Always meet in a public place and always take your own car. Oh! Also make sure you tell a friend where you're going. You can never be too careful.

  9. Hope75 - I agree with you as well. I'm more or less on the fence about the whole topic. I have a friend that says she would never tell if she cheated because it's selfish. According to her, it would only hurt your SO.


    In my situation (happened years ago), I was breaking up with him because I cheated and didn't want to continue on with the relationship. Part of me thinks it would have been easier on him had I not said anything about the cheating.

  10. I've heard so many different answers to this question. I remember reading in Cosmo that you shouldn't if you want to continue the relationship.


    I dunno. Everyone says to tell but should you really?


    (I cheated once on my ex and told him. I caused so much pain...I've always wondered if I did the right thing).

  11. Sounds like you like him...so what's the problem?


    I went on a few dates with someone that has ADD. He didn't tell me at first but it was obvious by the 2nd date. By the third he was talking about not wanting to take meds (or trying naturally) to control it...it really got to be too much. That said, maybe the "spark" just wasn't there. Had I really liked him ADD wouldn't have mattered.

  12. I agree with the others. Even if she's not cheating on you physically right now, she's cheating with you emotionally...and maybe that's worst. Since this has been going on for years (!) I suggest moving on with your life. I know, it's hard to do and there are things to worry about (finances, etc) but you can do it. Is there a housing registry at your college? You can post to find a roommate or find a place to share with someone.


    I would take a year of financial insecurity over a lifetime of constant heartache.


    *Oh, and I think you should probably sit her down and explain to her why you're breaking up. It might feel better to get things off your chest!

  13. What a difficult position to be in.


    I have to agree with the other posters on this one. You don't know his wife and it would look really bad if you said anything to her. If I were her I'd assume you were a crazy ex just trying to make trouble.


    Next time you speak with him just ask him how things are going with his wife. Otherwise I'd drop it all together.

  14. RayKay: what you wrote was awesome! Hey...can you really bench press 100lbs?!?


    I personally think that you shouldn't say anything when she makes comments about herself. I admit that I also make comments and I'm soooo not comfortable with my body but I told my bf to stop paying attention to it. It's been working so far. You could tell her every second that she's hot or whatever but she'll never believe you. You're just making it worst.


    Do this instead: compliment her when she's not saying anything or thinking about it. When she's sitting on the couch watching a movie or doing the dishes. Say something like "I love the way this shirt looks on you" or "I love your smile". Stuff like that. The unexpected compliments mean more than when she's fishing for one.

  15. I workout quite a bit too but I don't think I'm super in shape either. You said you were going to kickboxing twice a week...I would suggest doing exercise at least 4-5 times a week (alternating between weight training and cardio).


    I'm slowly but surely training for a marathon next year and I'm taking baby steps since running doesn't come naturally to me. Go on the bike or elliptical for 15 minutes and every week add a few minutes. Eventually try running on a treadmill.


    I don't think there's anything wrong with your weight! Sounds normal to me.

  16. I watched this show on tv in which this financial planner comes into a home and shows them how to properly budget. It's pretty neat. Anyway, she looks at the amount of income they have coming in and determines how much goes to rent, food, bills, etc. Then she puts the money in separate jars and they can only spend what's allotted for each thing. They also have to write down what they spend. She also cuts out the extra spending that they don't need.


    For instance, if you have 2 cars...do you really need 2 cars right now? Can you carpool to work? Or maybe downgrade a car. Another example is cutting out extra food expenses (i.e. don't go out to the restaurant or bring your own coffee in the morning).


    The other thing she does is asks them to bring in more money. Can your wife work from home? Can she maybe babysit one or two kids during the day. That'll bring in some extra cash. Or are you willing to work a Saturday shift somewhere?

  17. timlondon: thanks for the info but he's been to a doctor already so we're pretty sure he has difficulty retracting the foreskin. And according to the doctor, circumcision is the way to go. That said, it isn't that bad. He only sometimes has problems with it so I think he'll wait it out.

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