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  1. Ok so I reworked the date... Found a close restaurant (casa grecque) for those that know that restaurant, very good food and classy. I'll hold off on the rose , and instead of a movie and pool, I'll take her to an indoor driving range. I remember when we spoke on monday she said she loved golf. Theres also a bar and resto inside , so it should be decent for talking to each other. I've never played golf so that should be worth a laugh too I'll talk to her about the movie see if she what she thinks about it, cause I'm thinking she maybe didn't want to go because she wants to know me better, like some of you mentionned. Makes sense to knock it off. I thank you all for the great help...
  2. Yeah I thought of the walk but I live in quebec, pretty cold these days ... 5-6 degrees out. The movie I really hesitated on too, I personally liked the idea of Supper / Pool ... Really appreciate the tips so far !
  3. hehe Yeah I'm thinking about it , and it might be a bit to much like you say... I'll hold off on the idea i think!
  4. Hi, I'm new to the forum , I'm 27 and just met a very interesting girl. Heres my little problem... (might be quite bad lol) I've been single for 5-6 years (been working a LOT during that time) Now I meet this girl at a halloween party that a few friends organized on Saturday. I dance with her, and a few friends and I (her included) sleep over at a friends place. We slept snuggled together and that was it. ( Let me say I never realised I've really really missed that ) Next morning we all went out for breakfast and I brought her back home afterwards.( got her number before leaving ) Now we talked on the phone learned a bit about each other, and I asked her out this Saturday. I proposed a movie and she said " Well we can do more than a movie too.. " I take thats a good thing ... Now, heres what I have planned so far, before going the movie , go out to St-Sauveur ( up north ) in a medium (classy) restaurant nothing to out of this world, and head down to see a movie. Then MAYBE if we have time , play a game of pool. Heres the tricky part... I was thinking of when I picked her up to leave a rose on the seat of the car for her... is that to much ? Other thing is... I'm fairly embarrased about it too..., is how should I kiss her if the time comes ! We kissed gently on the first night just little kisses. I mean I've been single for the last 5-6 years, I've lost it i got to admit... How do you all go ahead with a situation like this ? (if i may ask..) Thanks for the help! Dave
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