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  1. ok, so basically all ur suggestions are the same, ok thanx
  2. You make a very good point, This is her last chance, if she does lie or cheat again then I will tell her what u said and maybe eventually it will work with us, we'll see. Thank you so much Ok first of all I'm sure she would not go to bed with some guy, she is DEFINETLY not that kind of girl. If that did happen then it would definetly be over but I have not caught her doing anything physical with another guy. If anyone has anymore suggestions that would be great. Thanx.
  3. The story is long so I will try to make it as short as possible. Please read all of it and help me. Any help will be great, thank you. I was in a relationship and my girlfriend cheated on me so we broke up, and that experience made me not trust my current girlfriend. One day she accidentally said the password to her email and I used it. The reason I used it was to extinguish the thoughts I had about her cheating. After looking through her email I found that she had 2 other boyfriends. I asked her about it and she told me her reason (which I will not post here because it is personal). I understood and told her that I will help her end those relationships. After that I find out that she told other guys online that she was single. I confronted her and she said that the only reason she said that was because she likes to talk to people and guys would only talk to her if she said she was single. I told her not to do it again, but she did. I had created a screen name and pretended to be someone else and once again she cheated on me. Her excuse this time was that she did it because I didn't trust her and she thought we would break up. Going into her email again I saw that she was talking about sex with two other guys, in ways that she shouldn't be. She gave me her reasons and I forgave her. I know i have been very stupid not to break up with her until now. Each time she said she would fix things and I believed her. Recently I found that she had created another email to talk to people on, and she was hiding it from me, but she wasn't cheating on me. I told her that I didn't want her doing that and that no matter what she shouldn't hide things from me. Once again she said she is going to fix things...the only difference is that this time when she said it, she seemed to have meant it more then the other times. The problem now is that I can't trust her and the doubts and worries are eating away at me and the relaitonship, and I don't know what to do. Does anyone have advice for me? I really care about her and love her, and I can tell she cares about me and loves me, she just doesn't think when she does things, so what is your advice for me? Thank you.
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