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Everything posted by patty37

  1. well, My story takes the cake guys, I need big time advice from your hearts. My son is almost 12, I split with his father and 2 years later he came back, we tried again and didn`t work, so about 2 years later he paid a visit and arranged for the boy to go to him and his G/f place ..that went fine..then we went through a custody thing, I won that coz he never showed at the court and he was the one who started that, so now about 3 years later and him doing a lot of drugs, he is back here with his heart in his hands begging me that he needs the kids around him to help him quit, I was strong as hell with the brick wall up, well that has crashed in 3 months, he went to a Church group and that helped him, we all read the bible maily to know what he is on about, but he wants the friendship thing, and I want him to love me, I didn`t get much time to get over him when he was gone, but he seems healed, I asked him to leave and he said okay and didn`t want to hear me out as to the reasons why, he said he is happy to go, he was trying to help me with the kids , and he was living in my house and just buying a bit of food. He was doing the kiss /cuddle thing, buit I told him my feelings weree back and he backed off...help me guys...what now...I was willing to have another go to save us as a family....
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