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Mr X

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  1. Here is a small update. After about an hour of trying to convince her to allow me to have one day where I can show her completely what things can be like if we were dating, she finally said that she will think about it. This is a very small step towards a bigger picture.
  2. Im 17, shes almost 18. Ill call her Clair. I have known Clair for about 2 years now. We met at the place where we both work and from the first day we met we have been friends and this has increased to really close friends now. Ever since the first time I spoke to her I liked for 'above average' compared to any other female friends of mine, and have slowly fallen for her more and more. Since the first time we met everyone at worked have asked us if anything was going on (they noticed more then we did as whenever anyone asked we were both shocked that they even thought that..lol). After knowing Clair for about 6 months she started gettting really close to this other guy and started falling for him, although they never had the connection we have, this lasted a couple of months until he ***ed her around and she ended it.....just seeing them hanging out made me jealous as hell. Around 8 months ago I went to England for about a month, and just before this i was kinda interested in someone else as I honestly believed that Clair was way to good for me and that i would of had no chance with being with her even if I did ask her out. So off to england i went, expecting to be missing this other chick - when to my surprise I missed Clair more then you could imagine, so i said "there is no chance you can let her go without even saying anything to her about your feelings). After the holiday I practicly came from the airport, got changed, then went stright to work to see Clair (wasnt until later she knew this reason). This is where it gets confusing. A couple of weeks after I came back from my holiday (and a load more flirting then normally), I started talk to say to Clair "there is girl i really like" playing kinda gussing games (all along she knew it was her...lol). One day when talking to her she said "just ask her out, there is no way that she can say no to you". So I did it, i asked her out and she said "no". She explained why and said sorry for saying what she said before, the reason is that she has been hut badly a couple of times in the past and wants to make sure it dosnt happen again. so basically i had to kinda prove that i care about her etc, which i am fine to do. So here I am today, about 6 months down the line after telling her, 6 months of hurting, fustration, and at the same time falling in love with her - about 4 months ago i told her i love her. About 4 weeks ago, we were out somewhere and I ***ed everything up (at this stage she was about 90% sure she was going to say yes), what exactly i did, i dont know...what ever it did my chances went from 90% to 1% in the same day. I LOVE HER! I would do anything for her, i would die for her. But I have no idea what else I can do to show her that i do, to somehow get 1 more chance, i know we would be great together, i know we would be happy together...but she dosnt see that anymore. We are really close friends, but i need more then that, everytime I see her i get more pain, yet not seeing her would send me over the edge. Her heart is saying yes, but her mind is saying no....she dosnt change her mind very often. What can I do to receive more more chance? I love her more then anyone ive ever loved before. She is my dream girl. What can i do!? Please dont say "move on" or anything like that because this is impossible to do, i need to know how to get her to change her mind.
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