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Posts posted by ElegantOverkill

  1. I know how you feel bro. I am in the same boat. Its been 9 months since my gf broke up with me and now i am ready to get out there and mingle! I seem to never get any looks when im out or the girls i do talk to never seem to into me. It has been messing with my mind a bit and i am starting to question myself. Its making me feel down about my looks and personality. I hope to snap out of it soon but its not looking good.

  2. Yes it is hard! For me it has been 9 months since my ex left me and sometimes it still hurts! But! It will fade away and something, someone new will come. You will find it, it may take time and you will hurt but that is what makes you human. Listen. I am cool, calm and self oriented but love can screw with the best of us! Take this time to learn about yourself, better yourself and everything will fall into place.


    hope this helps some.

  3. I know what your going through man i feel your pain. I too am lonely as crap right now! It sucks! More than anything in the world. It will change! We must be positive! We WILL make it! I have next to noone in my life and it hurts all to hell! I do know that it will change for us, it just takes time. Understand that we are low for a reason. Maybe that reason is for us to focus on ourselves for a bit. Keep up with that band and work on your school. Set goals for yourself and work to accomplish them. In due time that someone will find you and you will "connect". I know its hard but dont be down on yourself. I hope this helps.


    "There's one more thing

    I forgot to tell you

    Worries and doubts

    Will only help you

    In the long run

    You'll shadow the ones below"

  4. My advice would be to not put too much pressure on yourself when your around him. Be yourself, smile, and give him that look that screams "I want you!" That's a look that gets me everytime. Btw how long have you known him?? Where did you meet him??

  5. You did the right thing. I would tell you to just answer her "simple" questions. If she starts to get into the personal questions about your life then just cut it off.


    I am in the same boat because I too was not treated very well and if she came back asking 20 questions about me I would cut it off and tell her that I have a cake in the oven I need to get back to. If you know what I mean?

  6. You think you want him back, but you would regret it if it came true. You are getting off on the thought of "fixing" something. take a step back and realize you need someone who is willing to give back. We are sometimes attracted to chaos i know how it feels because i am too! its kinda fun! lol but if you want a healthy long lasting relationship you need to move on from this one. By all means cry, kick and scream if you have to. get all of that out but i dont think you should go back for this one.

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  7. ok here is what i think.. she knows you will see that. dont push the issue of getting back together. if you push for it then it will push her away! im sure she knows that you want to get back together. It is in her hands now, she will make it or break it. if she wants you she knows how to find you.


    I ask that you do not wait for this girl. go and do something productive with your spare time and dont dwell on what she is doing or thinking. I am telling you from experence if you wait then it could backfire on you.

  8. Sorry to hear that your going through a tough time. It sounds like you just suppressed your feelings early and just now they are coming through. Its hard to say how long it takes to get over someone. everyones different. and sometimes the relationships that are on the short side are tough to get over fast. because it is cut short in the middle of a very intense time frame. "honeymoon stage." btw who did the breaking? and why did you break up?

  9. Ok you need to take this time and focus on yourself. your young and there is more out there in this big world. It sucks to say it but you two are more than likely over. set yourself a goal and do NC for a month then aim for 2 months and so on.


    Do not talk to this girl. that means if you get an e-mail from her leave it at that. remember NC! lol its hard i will not lie to you. You will get stronger as the days go on. If she is just dying to talk to you then let her know that you will talk to her if it is about getting back together if not then she is interfering with your healing process.


    good luck. and we are here for you!

  10. ok. You know i am going to say your young and there will be more girls out there. so there you go. it sucks i know it may even get harder before it gets better for you but all you are doing is overanalyzing what she is doing and saying.


    the "hard to get" thing may be her way of keeping you on a string to pull you back in. and she could be using that to put some gult on your shoulders to take away from her guit of breaking up with you. by the way why did she break up with you anyway? what was the reason?

  11. Ok dude.... at this moment you still have your pride! dont let her take that away from you! I think that she says these little things to you to keep you on a string for her. "playing hard to get"? listen i know its HARD to do but you do not call her. You need to go out and pick up a hobby to keep you busy. If you do NC she may get a bit curious about your life and come back for some info...


    Dont let her take your pride. She knows about you and your feelings post breakup. thats more than she deserves to know.


    NC now!

  12. Sasha. Dont let someone like that hold you back! You sound like you were a wonderful girlfriend and you deserve better!


    My suggestion to you would be to go to your parents house for Christmas and as you drive by your ex's house lay on the horn and have your music cranked up and give a finger if you have to with a big smile and know in your heart that you will have someone 10x better some day!


    and p.s i love some good old Mel Brooks myself!

  13. Ok. Yes the guy moved. Are you looking to get back with this girl? If so then you must stick to NC! I hate to tell you this but your chances of getting back together are not good... but NC is going to help you get through it. And stay off of myspace! its bad. I know from personal experience.


    NC may very well bring her back to you, but if it does are you sure you are ready to give your heart back to her so she can crush it again?

  14. i believe the reason you "snapped" was because of lack of rest, and stress from the weeks before. i too am like you in the fact of being laid back and trying to keep my cool. unfortunately i do this to the point of "capping my emotions and bottling them up" until one day they just come out and i lose it! i think that could be your problem too. hope this helps some....

  15. thanks for the feed back. i believe i have some sort of an attachment problem. i hate it... and i am moving to a dif. state to start some college classes. the main reason i am leaving is to get away from my memories of her in this town. i hate that another person can seem to drag me down.

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