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take it to the limit

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Posts posted by take it to the limit

  1. hi everyone, i think im in the right place to post this as its to do with the internet.

    ok, i guess this is a question for the girls????

    lets say your partner joined a site which required him to fill in a profile, you stumble on this profile by accident after a friend tells you its a cool place to chat to various people,share photos, etc. you notice that there is a section asking what you are here for, and the answer makes you stop and think.

    ok it happened to me last night, i was really bored, so started chatting to a mate on msn, after a while she asks if i am on this site,she sends the link and i check it out, i figure it would be a good place to chat to people, it wasnt by any means an adult site at all. when i was filling out my profile i got to the section that asked me what i am here for, i ticked the box for "just friends" as i have a partner and im not loooking for anything else.

    my profile was done, and i started to search for people in my area to chat to, i see my mans name!.

    i got to the profile and i know its him because of the fact it gave his name,his poscode and his email as a means of contacting him.

    on the bit where it asks what you are looking for he had put.... Just For Fun, Chat, Video, Audio or Text messages. girls...how would you take that? would you be worried? i dont want to just shout at him when he gets home from work today as i dont want to be unreasonable, i believe anyone has a right to have friends when they are in a relationship, but does a bit of fun say something else to you when there was an option of just friends?

    thats the only bit of the profile he filled in. i dont know what to think.

  2. hi, i guess it depends on the situation. i used to see my ex all the time because we have a son together so i kind of have to see him sometimes lol. as long as you are honest with your partner about what you are doing i cant see a problem with it, if you do it in secret, even if it is all innocent that could hurt your relationship, be open and honest and it should be fine

  3. sorry but i have never heard about anyone being so happy and in love with this perfect relationship for them to turn around and say, lets have an open relationship! to me that makes no sense at all, maybe its just me.

    you have people all over the world who so want their relationships to work out, just look at these boards,they would probably kill for the perfect relationship you say you have, so, why screw it up? you should be thinking about your girlfriends feeling, not those of the other girl (and i dont mean that in a nasty way towards the other girl, im talking about getting your priorities right)

  4. Has anyone ever had to deal with getting to much information about the physical acts?


    in a nutshell, yes.


    I was with my partner for a year in a long distance relationship, when he called me one night just before my birthday to tell me he had had a one night stand with a girl he worked with. he said he told me straight away because he felt so guilty at what he had done.

    I know this isnt the same as what you are going through as he didnt have an affair as such, but to me, it broke my heart, because i thought everything was going ok between us.

    I went through a period of 3 months where i would drink almost every night, i didnt eat, i didnt sleep, i didnt contact him. then, when i had my time to think, i knew at the end of it that i still loved him. we got back together.

    and here we still are today. we have now been living together for 2 years, and we have finally managed to put it all behind us.

    my partner knows and understands that i will never forget what he did, but, i have forgiven him. i dont throw it in his face if we argue, its in the past....

    i did want to know the details, i asked him to be honest, and he told me everything, it really helped me personally.

    I think if you want it to work with your wife, you will both have to try your hardest, i know its hard, but try to put it all behind you both, and be honest with each other about how you are both feeling.

  5. hi, i have always had insecurities with my body, and after having my son i felt worse, i had a medical condition when i was pregnant and it caused me to put on 4 stone in weight. with the help of my man i started to think that everyone is different, thats what makes the world go round, if everyone looked the same what a boring place the world would be lol.

    Im still not happy with myself, but, i dont let it bother me at all now, i just learnt to let it go and get on with my life, our sexlife has never suffered, i dont know, i guess because he gives me so much confidence in myself that i dont think about the little things now. my man watches porn when i go away, i know because i told him its ok if he does, i am the one sleeping with him every night, sharing his life, his feelings, i have everything i want with him so i really dont care if he wants to watch a bit of porn. we watch it together sometimes.he watches quite a bit of asian porn but it doesnt for one min mean he is going to run off with an asian woman.....its only like me with my irish accent fetish....think about this, he is with you, he fathered your child, there is a reason he broke up with his ex, if he wanted her he would still be with her, hes not, hes with you, good luck

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