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Everything posted by what2doWhat2do

  1. Ok i hear about all these coming out stories about wo/men who are confused about their sexuality and blah blah blah. I don't mean to be insensitve but they do not help me. Well here is my story.... i am 15 years old i'm obviously very confused.. this is a first for me because i can usually figure things out quickly.. let me start of by stating that i had a gf who was very attractive and whom i liked. We experimented with our bodies, in ways of only touching. So we broke up and we decieded to stay close friends. I'm guessing your asking yourself where does the confused part come in to play. Well anyway the very reason i broke up with her was because i began thinking I was gay.... this was the beginning of the summer. Just recently we were hanging out in my bedroom (I forgot to mention that I have a twin sister and am aquinted with all her friends) and my exGf tells me that she doesn't love me but she gets butterflies when she is aground me and that she "wants" me. I have no real desire for her but i suspect, but not even i know what i want right now. Well anyway onto the gay thing. When you hit puberty your supposed to get sexual dreams of Women and such.. Well i began having steamy dreams of Men, i dismissed them as just a phase. Ok what i'm getting at is that I 'get off' to men rather than women. But i've never had any sort of sexual relationship with a man, not even a kiss: it's all been women. I want really want to label my sexuality i just wanted to write this down and get it off my head... I haven't been able to sleep for a long time now and thought this would help. Oh yea if i were gay i'd want to live a seceret life, i find the idea exciting and fun. My family is okay with gays and would accept me if i were, i find boring and too easy; but its awesome that i got lucky that way! Sorry to all those that didn't.. (sorry for all the spelling errors, lol)
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