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Posts posted by girlie219

  1. I'm a 22 year old female who finished university last year. I have dated guys before but I'm going through a really 'dry' patch as you may call it. I haven't been out on a date or anything for ages. I go to work, and play some tennis where I do know people, but not really any guys I fancy. I do go out to the pub and to nightclubs at the weekend but guys never seem to approach me like they used to at university. And the guys I do know don't seem particularly interested in talking to me. I'm an attractive girl so I really don't know what it is...can anyone help?



  2. Ive been working at this company as an administrator for about a month and i had a review of things the other day. They said it was going fine but they did have a few concerns...one is that i don't seem to show enough interest in the company and what i'm doing....they said they have no idea what area of business i want to pursue. Its a very small company so i have been doing work in several areas but i haven't shown enthusiasm or a spark inany particular area.


    I'm quite a shy person so i suppose i don't show much enthusiasm, curiosity and interest, particularly with people i don't know very well. And to be honesty, obviously i wouldn't say this to them, but i'm not too sure myself what career i want to pursue, i don't even know if this is the right career for me. Does anyone know what i could do to help with their concerns?



  3. Definition: A Girl Crush is when two women have strong feelings for one another, but not in a sexual way. A Girl Crush is strong infatuation that one woman has for another woman who seems beautiful, sophisticated, charming or accomplished. It usually refers to heterosexual women.


    I was just wondering how many girls have had this? I read about it on several websites.


    See this link

    link removed



  4. I even lived with a couple of them while at uni. The other group of friends i've kept in touch with better I had become closer to towards the end of uni.


    I agree they are being totally rude. I had text them with messages suggesting meeting up, and theyve replied saying 'oh yes we should'. Its just making me paranoid and thinking did they ever like me, or am i just a forgettable person or something?

  5. I'm 22 and finished university last July. I'm in touch with some of my friends from uni and we text regularly and I've met up with a few of them a few times.


    However, Another group of friends I have from uni just seem to be ignoring me completely. I invited them to my home town for my birthday and they couldn't make it. A couple of my other uni friends came but to be honest I understood why a lot of people couldn't come because its a long way to come. One of them didn't even reply to my message or acknowledge my birthday though.


    However, its one of their birthdays soon and I've read on their myspace page that they're going back to our uni town. I'm not sure who's been invited but I haven't. I still text people from this group but I've heard things about them all meeting up and I just haven't been invited at all. To be honest Its starting to get a bit rude because I've said to them they're welcome to come and visit me yet when they do something i'm not invited.


    What do you lot think?

  6. You do tend to notice things about your friends from high school once you're 22 (my age). You notice that some of them have grown up and are more mature, then with others you notice that they haven't changed much at all and what you once saw as nice qualities are not that nice anymore. This is the case with the person I would've considered to be my best friend at high school, I just don't feel like I want to spend so much time with her now.


    I'm not saying I'm mature for my age, I'm probably just normal but i think i have changed since high school.

  7. Hi, I finished university 6 months ago and am now back in my home town. I was doing temporary work for a while but have recently acquired a permanent job.


    I am happy about it but have also found myself feeling quite down too. I just miss my univeristy life and the friends I made there so much and feel like I've outgrown my home town. I had been going to interviews in places other than my home town and didn't really expect to get a job here. I'm in two minds about the whole thing. I feel like I've outgrown my friends here too, I don't mean to have a dig at them but I just don't feel close to them anymore or even like I want to be close to them. I feel like I have so much more with some of my friends from uni, yet I rarely see them because they don't live near me.


    Can anyone help? I really am finding it difficult to find a way out of this unhappy situation.

  8. Hello there, I'm a 22 year old female who hasn't got much experience with guys. I only lost my virginity about a year ago to a guy I was going out with but he ended it shortly afterwards. The next time I had sex was with this guy I was seeing at university about 6 months ago. We only slept together twice and ended it due to the circumstances (moving back home after university). As a result of this I have only has sex three times in my life and I just feel so awkward and embarrased about it and my lack of experience, and also the fact that my relationships haven't lasted very often.


    I find it really hard to find a decent guy and when I do it never seems to last that long. Most of my friends have had or are in long term relationships but i haven't had that and its so upsetting.


    Can anyone help?


  9. It's my birthday soon and I'm having a get together with a group of friends and they don't all know each other. Thing is, I hope it won't be really awkward. I'm quite shy and hate being in big groups, i feel really awkward about it, even with big groups of friends. I tend to prefer smaller groups, like just one on one or three of us or something. Can anyone offer any advice?





  10. I met up with a new guy two nights ago and he bought me a rose for our date. We'd met previously in a nightclub and had a drunken kiss and he admitted he didnt remember much about me.


    He seems like a nice guy but he rings and texts me loads and he bought me a magazine when i met up with him before work today. Do you think its a bit strange to be that keen early on or is it nice? I havent really had a guy treat me like that before but maybe thats where I've got it wrong in the past, anyone got any opinions?



  11. I was reading the 'Metro' (a free paper you get on UK public transport) the other day and I was surprised to read that although a small proportion of the adult population has actually engaged in homosexual activity during their lives, around 90% of us have questioned whether we are gay or not.


    Does anyone else find this surprisingly high? I am a female and I would consider myself to be straight but I definitely have questioned my sexuality. Its kind of a relief lol!


    Any opinions?



  12. I went out for a drink with a guy this evening, i thought we seemed to get on really well..the drink lasted about 2 and three quarter hours so we had plenty to talk about! He gave me a lift home at the end of the night and suggested when to meet up again, but the thing is he didn't attempt to kiss me. Is this a good or a bad sign?



  13. I am in the same situation as you and I am straight.


    But do you think you might feel this way about her because of your lack of good friendships in the past? You don't mention anything about liking her sexually.


    This is the situation for me...i havent had bad friendships but when I met the friend I have an infatuation with i couldnt get her out of my head. We did click really well, but then when i think about it there are plenty of other people i click with very well too, and maybe i am putting her on a bit of a pedestal when she needn't be there.


    What I'm trying to say is..i think you possibly need to widen your horizons with friendships. This girl sounds like an extremely good friend but you can make other good friends too. Maybe you really like her because you're just a bit too grateful for her offering to be your friend.

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