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Everything posted by upsetinCo

  1. I know that, that is how I should feel and that is what I should do, but I just feel like I need to give this a good shot. I don't think he has done anything yet. We are not going to get married for at least another year, year and half. If he is going to do this again, he wil most likely do it again in the next couple weeks or so. THat will be a good judge
  2. Im not sure If he would be willing to attend counceling. I would hope so. The thing that I guess you could say is good for me, and bad for him. He does not know crap about computers, and I went to college for comptuers, I know my way around and I even told him after the first time that im watching and it was very obvious, that he did not try to cover his tracks at all. If he does anything I will know about it. I guess im giving so many chances cause I really want this to work, this is the first realationship like this I have ever had, I felt good and commited and happy tilll all of this popped up. It felt good to feel secure, but now everything is all a blur. It feels good to talk to someone about this I really appreciate it.
  3. Hi my name is Ashley I'm currently 8 months pregnant, and thought I was going to be engaged to the man of my dreams. 3 days before our big weekend getaway, (I knew he was going to pop the question, he told me) anyway. I was cleaning out room and opened the bottom drawer of his nightstand to put some stuff away and saw a piece of paper, with a login name, password, and web address on it. Normally I would not do anything, but the username, was very sexually explicit. Concerned.... I went to our computer and logged in and pulled the website, to my surprise it was a website for swingers (and personal adds of people looking for sex partners. I logged in as him and pulled up his profile and stuff, and what I read hurt me so badly I don't know if I could ever look at him the same. I approached him about this and he tried to tell me it was a long time ago, but I said so someone is magically logging in as you.. Cause your last login date was 2 weeks ago. He was caught. That did not matter to him he just kept lying. Well He promised never to visit the site again. Not trusting him anymore I put a system snooped type program on the computer and it has been clean for a while. Until last night I ran it and he had visited the site again, looked at profile of women who had "winked"" at him, and updated his profile, this time his profile, he took out the really sexually explicit part and the part about him being attached. Now. I'm a forgiving person and willing to give him a chance. I understand it is hard to go from being a single guy, to having a girlfriend, then oops she pregnant then to engagement I don't know if this is some weird thing he needs to do, to cope with the fact that he is settling down, or what. But I made him cry supposedly today. I sent him a text message and told him that no one in my life has ever made me feel as crappy, ugly, unwanted and just plain used in my entire life. I told him that since I'm so forgiving that he has 4 strikes. Right now he has 2. After 3 strikes, I take the Internet away, after 4 I leave, no questions. If I find out that he has slept with someone else, it is over that counts as 2 strikes and I'm gone. SO that is my story. Not sure really what to do about it. Just stick to my guns
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