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  1. Sometimes, its abit harder than "just moving on"
  2. To me, because mutual sexual experiences I thought only happened as a part of "physical sex", that it at first wasnt. But then I thought its exactly the same just without the pysical... two people sexual actions, and each other getting of as the result, different to porn, because your ot making the PAGE get off.... but, I can understand where people are coming from when they say no. You have helped me, and if all thats happened, is a discusion on a topic, thats a little brain twisting, then so be it, this is my real life situation, with a partner, but I hope its a question that people think about seriously, because its not a nice situation to be, going from having 0 sexual experience with others, to finding out your boyfriends had 35. Cheers.
  3. Sorry hope Im just tired. Its not that it effects... its just i hoped he wasnt lieing. Also, i suppose on a personal level, we would both like to know where we are with each others sexual history. Because its our first relationship. And things were going * * * *ing amazing. And he wasnt raped, he managed to get away.
  4. Ive said, its bothering me, and I would like to know where I stand, but its fine really, hope, if you dont want to give your opinion, its totally fine Thanks anyway.
  5. Well, there were no physical signs of his arousal from there end... Subjective feeling? He wasnt even thinking about his actions being arousing maybe for the other, just something he had to do if he wanted to watch....
  6. Hehe, I looked there. The problem arrises when, in real life, the same behaviou between him an the person on cam would of been, deffinetly a "sexual activity between two peopl", but online? Its just so blury. interaction, makes my mind hurt. thanks though.
  7. CAn I not get an answer with out it having to be backed up with why I want one? Because i tell you for why, its nice knowing, whatever the number just how many times it counts. And also, its a big shock after he said none, so thats why, I would just like it to be clear, so I have an idea where I stand, and can move on. Please its clearly something I would REALLY like a deffinition to, other wise I wouldnt be here at 5:15, asking for it. And as no where on the whole web answers the question, I thoguht what better place than here! But it seems I cant get one until Ive answered one myself.
  8. I am mearly trying to find an answer to the question of "is it a mutual sexual experience with another person". After that, i can move on. Its a grey area, if he had had sex, then fine, clear * * * *ing cut! I just never was able to work out if watching someone on webcam while he wrote a few dirty messages in real time, ment that he had had his first sexual experience WITH another person. Thats all really.
  9. Actually I didnt. He asked me! And I replied with "nothing" which was 100% truth, then this all happened. And my curtness is cos im stress man, and its 5 in the morning, and I may not be in a relationship for much longer! Im not controling, im easy going, and quite placid. I like fairness though. But honestly, im just stressed and tired >_
  10. Um, he lied about having a sexual experience with someone, wanting it, to look "good" in my eyes... it turns out that his friend actually nearly raped him... and it was a sick lie, that he ended up being addiment that he had NEVER had a sexual experience with another (out of want, I dont count nearly getting raped)... so thats where this started, out of his adimence that he had never been involved with another person... then i find he did this when he was younger...
  11. He has, unfortunately, broken my trust on a number of occasions by digging a whole, on, a near rape experience, on his feelings for me, on random things that turned out to be lies. This, isnt why im near to breaking up with him, its the whole thing. People have come up with very valid points about me wanting a "perfect boyfriend" and him not "fitting into my perfect view of him". Ive gotten over things before. Its just this one was a LITTLE different, and did hurt my feelings, because even though he has never engaged in "sex" by the physical means, lowbandwithly (not a word I thoguht he had. Now, I kinda felt hurt and confused, because its like he has... but hasnt. Any porn, other that "porn", eg interactive pr0n, to me, said, "involved with others" something, that before the net, you had to have physical contact with someone to be involved with. Now, I know, he hasnt had "sex". Physically he hasnt been invovled, but mentally? I dare say, that like me and you are now, we are as much chatting as he has had sex.... I just, wanted a normal relationship with this guy... no lieing, no bagage... but, i got alot of both
  12. Fair enough, because hes lied a number of times in the past, and because, he actually made a huge point of telling me how he had had NO sexual experience with another person, before we got involved with each other. So, i would like to know where I stand, as in if im the first person hes had a "sexual experience" with, and i mean, as a whole, not just thinking about physicaly, and that I hope the outcome means its, unlike other things, not a lie! Sorry to be ubrupt with my answering, but im completely streesed on the verge of breaking up with the person I hold most dear, and just wanted answers
  13. Please I bed someone, nistead of asking me questions about if its happening now and how old he was, (15) can you just answer MY questions, please!
  14. Following on from the other post, my boyfrind when young, found a site where people were willing, to masturbate on cam. He took it, viewing it as porn. However, when the person refused to do it unless he typed a few rude messages along the way, I figured, as there was interaction, him arousing someone else, who was REAL, and the same thing back, that it constituted as a "mutual sexual act" between two people, and went from porn, to a sex act with someone else. Its just a crap thought thinking that he has involved himself with someone else. Be it online, or in real life, he maintains he has had no sexual encounters with people, but the way I saw/see it is that he was communicating with a real person, who was masturbating on a camera, while he typed rude things, that would have been arousing for the person on cam. I thought that that kind of mutual sexual act ment that his first "mutual sex act" was with someone else?! I know theres no physical, or emotion involved, and hes treating the person on cam as porn, but can it be classified as involving yourself sexually with another person? If there is that mutual arousal going on, something traditionally you would actually have to have real "sex" for in real life, but looks like you can get it online.... just wondering where I stand! This wasnt cybersex, because, unlike that, there was no description of how they both felt, just someone on webcam, quiet, and him with the ocasional "now im doing this, and liking this".... which, he said, due to his age, he did not connect with "arousing" them, just something he had to do to see the "porn". However, is the interaction, that was there, enough to be ticked of as a sexual experience WITH someone else. Cheers, very confused person.
  15. itsallgrand, please, help me out, and let me ask you a few questions, you will be doing me a big favour, and possibly saving a relationship, which I very much dont want to continue to question. unfortunately I cant send PM's so, my email adress is email removed, and maybe you could add to msn, or let me email you. Thanks.
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