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  1. I've been with my girlfriend for around 3 months now. She has never given me a reason not to trust her, but for some reason sometimes I just dont. When she was with her previous boyfriend she sortof cheated on him with me. I never felt comfortable and never took it further than a kiss and a dance at a nightclub but I think I could of if I had wanted to. She wasnt happy in the relationship and I knew this, and after they broke up we got together maybe a month after. At the moment she is on holiday in Ibiza with her best girlfriend, it was booked long before we started seeing each other, but I still worry about it. She contacts me everyday, either by text or a call says that the place is nice but that she's missing me. Before she went she seemed upset about leaving, I think I asked her if she was all ready to leave, she said that she had everything packed apart from me. I think I replied something along the lines of, "Go and have a good time, you got your friend for 2 weeks and ill be here when you get back as long as you behave". She said "Of course I will, you mean a lot to me x", but still the paranoia. I'm not worried at all about her leaving me in the UK, I feel safe knowing that she is with me, she always goes on about having children with me and sharing her life with me, but I am worried about what might happen abroad. Im just wondering how girls generally feel when they are in love. If they are abroad, tanned, drunk and a attractive stranger approaches them do they still feel lust? Is anything likely to happen because she knows the only way I will find out is if she tells me. The friend she went with is single, and they are both very attractive. Her friend isnt easy or anything like that, but if very drunk cant be manipulated, I'm just worried she might end up with the guys 'mate' as they are in the same room together. I know this doesnt really sound like a stable relationship and its a bit of a heart pour but it feels better to get it off my chest. Thanks
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