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Everything posted by basnik0

  1. No, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. I feel so hurt and I don't see how we can go on. Now, I just need to be brave and strong enough. Thanks again to everyone! And wish me luck, because what I want to do is not going to be easy for me
  2. Right. So I keep defending him, even though I'm so angry… What happened was sort of deal breaker for me. I wanted to hear different opinions before I even start to think what to do. So, he acted like a jerk. Leaving him after all this time (plus I still love him – you don't just switch off feelings like that) will require enormous strength and effort. I know no one can make decision for me, but do you think I should dump him?
  3. This is exactly how I felt!!! And thanks for making me laugh for the first time in the past 24 hours! But… disrespectful as it sounds, wouldn't he still be thinking that even if he didn't say anything??
  4. I understand your point Kitz, in fact, if it wasn't for this 2 years of emotional investment, I would be out by now. But I don't think it's fine if he thinks that! If he thinks that, he might as well say it. I wouldn't feel any better if I knew he felt like that, even if he didn't say anything. Yeah, I was thinking about it. I only asked him if he found his ex hotter or me – he could've answered you if that was what he meant. I think that there is more behind his answer. Exactly! This is what bothers me the most!
  5. Thanks for replying to everyone. Still trying to digest everything. What's bugging me about it is the way he was able to dissect us both and compare bit by bit. I feel like … a cow. From my perspective, he doesn't love either of us.
  6. I KNOW there are men that think I'm the hottest thing out there! Men usually think I'm hot. My problem is, it doesn't make me feel better. I want to be the hottest thing to him, not to anyone else.
  7. As I said, everything else is perfect. Apart from the fact that he's always checking out other girls. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to get back with his ex. Maybe he just thinks that I'm not attractive enough? But then, he constantly talks about how attractive I am. Maybe he's just obsessed with the looks?
  8. My bf and I are in a serous relationship for almost 2 years. He is everything I always wanted in a man and he makes me happy. The only thing that bugs me (and is probably relevant to my question) is that he's always looking at other girls wherever we go. Before me, my bf was with a woman who was 'love of his life' and the hottest girl in the world (his words). It all went wrong, but basically, she was the one who left him. He was still in love with her when I met him, but we were just friends in the beginning; I was with someone else too. But at the point when we started a relationship, we were both single. Anyway, we were just chatting last night, and someone mentioned her. Since I've never met her, I asked if she was hotter than me. (I don't even know why I asked that, just sort of came out, more like teasing than anything else) He simply answered: - She has bigger, better boobs and a cute, round, firm butt – your' softer and not so round. And her skin is firmer. But you have better legs. And you're taller. I was soooo hurt. I am still hurting. Now, I feel ugly and don't want him to touch me again. I'm dying inside. What do you guys think about this? I'm totally confused. Can anyone help?
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