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  1. No she hasn't lived in our house in over a year. It was only a temporary thing. I don't want anything to do with her or her family. I am trying to work things out with my husband right now. I am really not as worried about her at the moment as I am someone else. I do think on his part it was purely physical. I know she told him she loved him and he told her he never would love her. They both told me the same story on that discussion. I think that he is too afraid of getting caught with her again but, he works 45 mins away and he drives a truck all day so I am worried of him finding someone else. Am I just being paranoid?
  2. Thanks everyone for all of the supoort anymore thoughts?
  3. Yes I do think he is capable of doing it again. So the question remains to myself do I wait for it to happen again or move on now? I know the logical thing is to move on but half of my life has been so wrapped up in him it's hard to tell where he stops and I begin. Or maybe it is just the fact that I am so emotionally dependent on him I don't think I can be alone.
  4. I do look out for myself and on that end I have it made. My grandmother owns the house we live in and I could always go home anytime I like. I do not work at the moment but I could if I wanted. We have three children together so I know he would have to pay child support. I have really thought about it from all angles. My question is at this moment if they are still talking how am I going to know. I know I can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth. She lives like five miles away on the same road. She came to my house the other day because I had some video tape of her children that she needed for someone professional who is doing something on her daughter that died. I didn't speak to her I just gave her the tapes and told her to leave. Everyone I have spoken to about this thinks she is looking for a way back into our lives. This is nothing unsual in her marriage they do it all the time to each other. She has even slept with her husband's brother. I know I don't want anything to do with her but it does give me a little satisfaction that she is lonely now.
  5. Well this is a long story but here goes. My husband and I have been married for eight and a half years. We have 3 boys. About three weeks ago my best friend shows up at my house to tell me that she has been sleeping with my husband for three years. My husband and I were also highschool sweethearts we have been togther for a long time and have been through alot together. This woman also happens to be his step sister for about the last five years. We spent alot of time with her, her husband and their six children. My oldest child and her oldest son were also best friends. A couple of years ago her brother was in a bad motorcycle accident and she got in a really bad fight with her father that she lived beside and wound up moving in with us. I worked at night and so did her husband. So it was durring this time that she was playing house with my husband that she fell in love with him. In March of this year she lost a child to Cystic Fibrosis. I loved this little girl very much and I was so worried about the mother and being there for her to help her throught the pain. In April of this year my husband started a new job and I didn't like it very much and we started having problems. I went to live with my mother and he went to stay with the brother that had the motorcycle accident. I think since me and him were having problems she wanted more from him than he was willing to give and they had a fight. This is when she came to tell me. I trusted both of them so much and loved both of them beyond belief. Me and her talked several times a day and spent alot of time together. He swears that he doesn't love her that it was just physical for him. I know she is in love with him she told me so even though I didn't know it was my husband she was talking about at the time. I also know she went to where he works and told him so when they were living with us. I have so much emotion tied up in this whole mess between him, her and her children. I love them like they were my neices and nephews by blood. I bought things for them, kept them, went to ballgames and spent hollidays with them. My husband seems real sincere over the fact that he's sorry but I am more upset over the fact that neither one could not do it for me much less stop it for me. It took him pissing her off before she told me. I am trying to move on and fix my marriage but the pain seems unbearable sometimes. Anyone else have a story like this.
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