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Everything posted by circlesandcircles

  1. I have been reading posts here for the last two weeks trying to make sense out of all that is happening to me right now. My story is a long one but but i am currently in NC and am having a hard time. My bf of about a year was planning to move out here. We have been LD though we have seen each other once a month. He started to pull away and freak out and I pushed. He and I began to fight and he ended up breaking up with me and then backing up and asking for space. After about one and a half months I went to see him and he made the breakup official. He told me he wanted to be on his own to make changes for himself. I was so devastated becuase he had told me I was the love of his life. We spent the weekend together and kissed and hugged and cried. It was so strange my best friend just walked out of my life. This is somone who told me I was it. This is someone who I have amazing memories. We have some difficult issues. I am a couple of years older than him. We were in a LDR. I want to roconcile. Its astrange word because we didn't leave on bad terms at all. In fact it was left as right now I want to be on my own. I don't know if I will come back into your life in that way but I will never know if I don't try this on my own. When I got back from the visit he called me alot. Then it stopped. There may be another girl in the picture. He told me there was not but at the very least they have become good friends. It is now 2 weeks of NC. I was the last one tp call though he had called several times before I put that in. I feel so sad like he is gone forever. He just moved out of state closer to me but still far. I know the girl was not that important to him but i feel so lost. How could he forget that he loved me so much. I wrestle with what all people here do can they just forget of they really loved you. He is young so I understand his desire to go out on his own and yet one month before the breakup he was ready to move here to be with me. I feel like it is cold feet but he seems as if he is having the time of his life. I know NC is for me to regain my sanity and yet its not that easy. I wonder if he will call or if all of our memories and us together was truly that forgetable. He is having fun and I am beginning to go out. I just miss him so much. Will he call or should I give up as it has been 2 weeks with no communication and three and a half since he has called me?
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