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Posts posted by renthead

  1. Actually, I didn't write the poems because of the feelings I had on trust. It was just something I saw in people. Well, now I don't remember why I wrote that poem anyway.


    But I don't collapse on others. Of course there are times when I do, but if anything, I keep things to myself and I know it's bad. My problem is I find it hard to really trust people about deep issues. I don't think anyone has ever betrayed me (secrets-wise). Besides, I'm the type of friend who's always there for people, no matter what. And people have been telling me lately that I deserve to be happy, too.


    So yeah, I don't think I'm afraid of people betraying me. I'm just afraid they won't accept me (not that I'm a bad person or anything). thereforeeee, that poem isn't my true feelings. It's how I viewed them from a third-person stand point.

  2. Well, it's just that sometimes, you might tell your closest friend a secret and there are certain cases where that secret is spread around. You can never really trust someone. People earn your trust; it's not a priviledge. I'm not saying that everybody shouldn't trust people, but just to be aware that anything can happen.

  3. "When you tell someone your darkest secret,

    You immediately become their slave,

    For at any moment they can spill what they know.

    Although it may seem like you can trust them,

    There can be a time when that friend betrays you.

    So be careful of what you think and of what you say

    Because when your weakest moment comes,

    That friend will always be there to listen to you.

    And so you have no choice but to tell that friend

    What has been distracting you lately.

    Beware of such depressing times like these,

    For when you tell someone your darkest secret,

    You immediately become their slave."


    --Written by yours truly

    Please post comments, please and thanks!

  4. Keep your chin up and look forward to the future. I think you're have a bit of a hard time "surviving" at this moment. Just remember that you have your daughter and that she looks up to you. I'm sure you've looked up to somebody, right? Well, everybody needs a model/idol, so maybe you could be that for your girl.


    Dont tell me its going to get better cause it wont ... am i crazy


    With that attitude, of course you're not going to get better. You need to be more optimistic and hopeful of the future. And no you're not crazy. This is normal.

  5. It seems to be that you want to escape from this stupid world we live in. Maybe you can actually find a purpose to live, like helping others. You seem concerned about the innocent and as you know, people always need help. So maybe you can devote some of your time to helping others. The feeling you'll find when someone thanks you for all you've done for them is undescrible. It's probably the greatest feeling ever.

  6. Sometimes people think about suicide when they feel that they can't handle what has happened, what is happening, or what will happen. Sometimes it's just a small phase, but like the above posts, take it seriously. You don't know when someone is joking or not. I think that person needs to talk to someone s/he can really rely and depend on. People are intimidated by adults/professionals, so start off by trying to help your friend. If it doesn't work, bring him/her to the professionals.

  7. You're probably worried about the future and what it has in store for you. You might be under deep stress and you're not used to feeling this way. The best thing to do is talk to somebody who will always be there for you no matter what. I think if your boyfriend is a good one, he will understand you and support you 100%.

  8. Relationships thrive on communication. Without talking, it goes down the dumps. He called you a "b----"? My advice is to break up with him immediately. Anybody who calls you that is wrong for you. I'm sure that another guy is much, much better for you. You need someone who accepts you for who you are, is always there for you, and wants to be with you.

  9. There isn't only one thought that goes through a guy's mind when something happens. Everybody is different, so it really depends on the guy that you're talking about. I think your boyfriend is understanding and that he accepts that you're insecure about your appearance because you said that he tells you he looks away in those scenes. But you also need to help yourself for being content with what you have. Looks aren't everything and the longer you're worried about your appearance, the more insecurity you're going to have. You'll wonder why people are prettier than you, but you shouldn't pay attention to any of that. If your boyfriend loves you, it means he accepts you for who you are and nothing more. Maybe you should try to relax because your insecurity makes you stressed. Try to remind yourself that there are people who are beautiful, but they are only beautiful. You're better than them one at least one thing.

  10. I think he meant that you don't know him very well. Maybe he was suggesting that you could get to know him better, but I'm not totally sure. I don't think it's love, or at least not yet. I suggest you get to know him more and see what you think of him then.

  11. Maybe you actually look up to that person and want to be that person. You might think that that person has it all good and almost practically perfect in your eyes. I think you should accept yourself for who you are and respect it. Wanting to be other people may end up with your copying that person's every move, or worse losing the person's friendship. Figure out why you aren't happy with your life instead of being jealous of your friend's life.

  12. I believe in the whole "whatever happens, happens" thing. So I think you should be content right now. Perhaps nobody ever sees the whole picture. It's hard to see the whole picture.


    Does anyone here ever wish they could visit there past, meet all the people that $h!* on your life and thank them for making you the person you are?


    At this moment I feel like I love my firends from the past who aren't my friends now.


    Of course people feel that way. Maybe the only way to repay the people in your past is to help others realize the bigger picture. "Sharing is caring and it can be fun!" Spread your knowledge around and help others!

  13. Don't dwell on the past too long. Focus on the present and hope the future will be good. Learn from your mistakes and fix your attitude. A lot of people don't find out things until much later. You're pretty lucky. Some people go through their whole life not knowing what to live for. Instead of thinking about the past, pay attention to what you have right now.

  14. Well obviously you have Internet, so maybe you can go online and just browse around until you look for something that is interesting to you. However, you can also find interest in the arts. I know it's not for everybody, but maybe you can find a hobby like writing, painting, drawing, singing, and etc. I think you just need to find and explore new things until you find something that appeals to you.

  15. If you thought you would and could accomplish all those things, then of course you're not going to feel good about yourself. But if you had a doubts, then you should feel like "wow I can't believe I actually did it." Too much confidence isn't good, though, but you should just feel proud of yourself. If you're used to winning things, then you wouldn't feel any different winning ASB president and getting into USC.

  16. You need to find what you are living for. Once you find that thing, your life will feel complete because you will be living for that thing. You'll wake up every day and look forward to the evening. It all depends on what you like to do.

  17. Everything is about attitude. If you finally break through and see that you aren't ugly, you'll be fine. Everybody is beautiful in their own way. Just because someone thinks you aren't attractive doesn't mean it's true. You have to be positive about things and keep your chin up. Nobody deserves to feel ugly. And about other people looking attractive, who cares about them. Society has influenced people's minds to think that in order to succeed in life, you need to have good looks, but that's not true. You need the brain, too. So if you want to feel better, go do a hobby that you like and keep your mind off the media. People waste their life trying to look pretty and are very dependent on others, which causes their life to be not as good as it can be.

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