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Posts posted by Australia

  1. Hi


    Here is my unbiased advice. I don't think your brother is unreasonable at all. He's only wanted to meet up with your ex, probably because she wanted to talk to him and find out more about you while the both of were separated.


    If you are not ready to be friend again with your ex, then try to avoid her, but never say that the both of you cannot be friend, since you never know what hold in the future.


    Anyway, hope this help you.


    Good luck!

  2. Hi


    Sorry to hear about your broken relationship and sadness. I understand what you are going through. Almost all of us in this web site have gone through such things in our lifetime. Accept it to be normal and it is not only you.


    First of all, you must try to protect yourself from falling into this sadness after he called you or text you. To do this, you should avoid picking up his phone call and deleting all his text messages to your mobile.


    Don't feel sorry for yourself from doing this, since the person that shoul be sorry is him as you stated in your story.


    It will be hard during this few weeks or months for you, especially after being in a seven-years relationship together. But please try not to be alone, see if you could talk to someone such as your friend, family etc...


    As he had cheated you twice, then it is time for him to wake up that you no longer want him. Eventually one day, someone will treat him like he treat you!


    Try to move on being single and you will find more happiness than to grief over such person. Life is short, so enjoy being yourself, until you find someone who will treat you the way you want.


    Good luck with your recovery...

  3. Hi Mate,


    Sorry to hear about your sad news. Don't be too disappointed with the outcome as it is usual. However, you will never know if you don't try, so just forget it at the present moment.


    My suggestion is to remain friend with her and see where that take you. You shouldn't pay too much attention to her, but just continue your normal life and focus on whatever you are doing such as your studies.


    Remember, there are many girls in this world. Get to know more before you jump into a relationship.


    Best of luck with your future...

  4. Hi


    I'm sorry to hear of your sad news. What you are going through is quite normal for eveyone! Just read many of people stories in this web site and you will know what I mean.


    For the first thing, you should try to look after yourself. Do allow yourself some time to grief over this. It's best to stop the contact with him and put everything away that remind you of him, such as a soft toy he gave you, etc...


    Talk to your friends and family as this help a lot. Don't think about the happy memories you had with him, since that is the past and you are living in the future.


    Be strong and keep us up to date with your progress. Allow yourself a month or two to overcome this. I am not saying that you can forget the feeling for him, but just move on being a sigle person, since it is also good to remain single so that you can a better perspective on life and meeting other great people around.


    Cheers and good luck!

  5. Hi


    Sorry to hear of your sad news. What you are going through is normal, however, there are certain things you must tell yourself what to do and what not to do. For example, if you still think about your ex-GF while seeing this new girl, then it is totally UNFAIR to that girl you are seeing at present and you could break her heart if this continue! Is okay to meet other girl, however, don't step into another relationship until your feeling is netural with your ex-GF.


    The other things is that you have no need to continue to see your ex-GF any longer. If she wanted to come back to you, then she will have done so before. If not, just allow time for the both of you apart and then let time decide whether you are meant for each others.


    Continuing to see her in this way will only hurt you even more. I know is a hard things, but for now you MUST protect yourself from getting hurt.


    Keep the friendship with her only until you can be calm with the break up.


    Good luck and remember what come around will go around. Let the new girl go if you still have feeling for your ex-GF.



  6. Hi


    I'm sorry to hear you sad situation. Since the both of you are so much in love, then both of you should go against the odd of belief and family of your relationship. Think what is most important for you and him, since it the both of your future.


    If I were you, I'll go against anyone who is against my relationship with him etc.


    Don't felt sad because both of you are in love!


    Best of luck and keep up with the relationship!!!

  7. Hi


    I'm glad the both of you had worked out together. However, my advice to you would be to sort out the problems you had with her in the relationship during the broke up period. If these problems aren't sorted out, then the problems from the past will reappear again and you will be hurt once again!


    Remember to sort out all the problems before. If can't, then you should make the decision to move on with someone else.


    Take my words from the experiences I've been through.



  8. Hi


    Thanks for the message that you have posted. I'm sorry to hear about your relationship situation at present.


    Well, I think the both of you need better communication before the both of you can work anything else.


    Have you try to ask him why doesn't he go out with you and your friends? Could it because, the sort of things you and your friends do that he doesn't like? Or your friends doesn't get along with him and so he felt left out? These the sort of problems you must talk over it and seek some answer from him.


    I am not saying that he is wrong nor you are right. The problems you have are quite common and so don't worry and allow this to affect your relationship with him. Think of the good points of him and see whether that is what you want. But everything requires a composite from both of you.


    Good luck.



  9. Hi


    I'm sorry to hear of your sad news Please don't be despair over this matter as it is quite usual to react in this way during this period of time.


    As I don't know the whole situation between you and him, I recommend that you talk to him and try to understand why he is treating you like this. Tell him to be honest with everything, including cheating you etc...


    Maybe he does need more space, including yourself. Why don't both of you agree to be apart from this relationship for several weeks and try not to see each others during this period. See how this go.


    During this period, both of you may know whether is worth continuing this relationship any longer. If him doesn't want to continue with it, then let him go and enjoy his space. As for you, it may sound a bad news, but allow yourself some time to grief during this period.


    Eventunately, you will find that it isn't worth in keeping this relationship any longer, especially it is you that wanting the relationship to continue. Don't contact him and just enjoy the things you do to keep you busy. Don't try to get into another relationship just to make him jealous, as you need to learn how to be more dependent and love yourself first, before you can care for another person.


    In all cases, be strong and take my advice and don't make any contact with him, unless he want to meet you for a chat about the relationship.


    Cheers and good luck!!!



  10. Hi ,


    It is okay to be confused somtimes. Well, your situation is quite normal. Simply just remain best-friend with him and be there for him whenever he need you (not sex, of course).


    When he got a girlfriend, it will mean he'll spend less time being with you, unless all three of you all go out with a group together.


    When you have accept to be his bestfriend, then don't have any thoughts of loving him as he got a girlfriend already, otherwise, you will feel jealous and then hurt even more.


    Believe me, being aside with him whenever he need you, will be the best way to ensure you don't lose that friendship with him and at the same time you won't get hurt of being too jealous of seeing them together.




  11. Hi


    I'm sorry to heard of your sad news From what I see, this man is nothing more than a user of sleeping with other women. I understand how hard it is for you, however, you deserved more than him.


    Do allow you sometimes to grief over this matter. Try not to feel so bad and remember the time you managed to pull yourself back together from the previous long-distance relationship.


    Is prefectly fine not to sleep and eat. For the long term this isn't going to be helpful as you are hurting yourself more for your boyfriend.


    Have confidence in yourself by doing things that you enjoy doing most, such as reading a book, going to a movies, rent some DVD etc... Also, delete all those emails of his and put all the things of his away that doesn't remind you about.


    Griefing take time and is very normal. I'm sure you will get over it within a few months.


    Happy ending....




  12. Hi


    If both of you are meant for each others, then you wouldn't have such a headache at present! I don't think the relationship is going good for the both of you. If he loved you, he wouldn't been having sex with you without the other girl knowing.


    Put him in a position to choose you or the other girl. Once he had decided and still continue to see the other girl, then you should just move on as he is only a player.


    Learnt from you mistakes before of cheating on your boyfriend, maybe then will other respect you.



  13. Hi


    Glad to know that he is contacting you again with such letter. However, before you get back with him. Ask yourself why he broken up with you in the first place, otherwise, having this relationship again could fall for the same reason one day!


    See if both of you can solve the problems from last time.


    Best of luck.

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