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Everything posted by whissel

  1. I understand what you all are saying, and I agree that I should break up with him. But it is definitely easier said than done. We have been together for over a year and he is also my best friend. I might not be attracted to him physically or sexually, but I definitely see him as a friend. So even if we would break up the relationship, I don't know if I could just completely stop communicating with him entirely. I couldn't imagine that.
  2. My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year now and I just can't stand it any more. He is pretty much everything I DO NOT want in a boyfriend…the problem is, I don't know how to break up with him. We are the typical "beauty and the beast" couple (for a lack of a better word). He is not very attractive at all, he has bad teeth, and overall he is a low maintenance sort of person. I'm the total opposite. He also very very insecure and whiney. He whines and begs for me to show him attention, to hold him, and to love on him. It is soooo annoying. When it comes to decision making, I'm the one who makes ALL decisions…like what restaurants we eat at, what we are going to do on the weekends, and what movie we watch. In the beginning I didn't mind the fact that he wasn't as good looking as some of the other guys, and I was flattered by all the other stuff, but not it's just too much. I realize that I am almost embarrassed to walk hand in hand with him. I need someone who is more like me. I am just not attracted to him. The problem is…I can't break up with him. Like I said, he is very insecure making him very vulnerable. If we would break up, he would be devastated. He doesn't have any friends at all that he could fall back on or anything. I'm the only one he ever talks to. I don't know what to do. If I break up with him, he'll be hurt and all alone. If I don't, I'll suffer and won't have the opportunity to date other people who share my interests.
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