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  1. Thank you for your help. Im assuming NC meants to not call, am i right? She knows that she hurt me and if she had the chance to take it back she probably would as she said she regretted it. I believe im just going to tell her what people have told me. I know she has a right to do whatever she wants. Im here because im trying to cope with the future. So if i ever want to be happy again, i will have to deal with this and get back to normal. It will be much harder if she isnt a friend of mine because we share way to many friends. So for me to move on, the easiest thing for me to do is to be the in-the-dark ex b/f and not care. She did it, we werent together, so alright. Thanks all for your help.
  2. In my last post im not trying to be mean, im sorry if i came out like that. In my origional post my main concern was about how to deal with this so i can go on being how i was before. Cause all i feel like now is that i should just stay home. Things happen when im out trying to have a good time. I know we werent together. That is above all most what i hear. "You guys werent together, she can do what she wants". I know that. Its just the fact that she would do this, she would risk our friendship for one night - and lied to me about it. Not even hiding it. I can understand that if i dont ask, she doesnt need to tell. But when i do, dont lie to my face, especially after i specifically told her that if she did lie to me about something like this, a few days before she did, that we wont be friends. It just makes me feel that she cares more about * * * *ing someone than our friendship. The friend that told me is a mutual friend of ours. Its one of her best friends, in our "group of friends" and also one of mine. She didnt volunteer her thoughts. I asked for them, i would rather know what is going on behind my back that be the stupid puppy dog in the corner that doesnt know anything. Am i supposed to just say, "ok you slept with someone. bothers and hurts me but whatever". and go on like nothing happened? Because if i want to act normal again, thats the only thing i believe that needs to happen.
  3. Ok, no, you guys are right. Shes my ex. If the second after we break up, she goes and screws someone else. Its fine, i should have no emotional attatchment to her whatsoever. Hell i can go screw her best friend right now. She shouldnt get mad then right? The fact is, is that i would never dream of doing something like that to her. So shame on me believe she wouldnt do it to me. Ill act happy and like nothing happened. Only way to get through this i guess. Since we werent together, i shouldnt be feeling this anyways.
  4. So my ex-girlfriend of one week decided to make out with a friend at a party a few weeks ago. I forgave her for that. But this friday a friend had told me that she was drunk one night and so was the friend that she stays with(the same guy she made out with). And of course she slept with him. She says it was a mistake and that she hasnt since but of course she decided to lie to me and hide it from me. She says she didnt tell me because she didnt want me to hurt myself or try to commit suicide because ive done it before. She said before that she cares about me, that she wouldnt never try to hurt me, that she loves me and that she would never lie to me. All of that seems like BS right now. Yes she is my ex-girlfriend and she slept with him after we broke up, but it was a week after we did! What the hell, what am i supposed to think? We have many mutual friends, and right now i wish i had never meet her. So because of that im not hanging around with my other friends at all. I go to work and come home and go to sleep. Do it all over again the next day. She wants me to get out and have a life but then its just going to be like, "well i can take it, no big deal, i can brush everything off my shoulders. Any friend of mine can * * * * all over me and thats fine with me". She says we can go out and she wont be around me but that isnt going to help. Plus when i found out i probably hurt (not physically) some of our mutual friends anyways. So i dont want to be around them as they probably dont want to be around me. Yea they can forgive me but who cares. All this still happened and i dont want to deal with it. I dont want to feel like this. All i see in my head now is them having sex. That is all i can think about. No i dont need to go to therapy or councelling. But i cant go on living like this.
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