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Everything posted by WeedisFillabongs

  1. well she called last night to basically talk to me about nothing, When we were together she use to call me just to talk about nothing i didnt mind then cause she was my girlfriend and she just wanted to talk to me but now its just getting annoying. What does she want from me? i wanted to ask her what was the point of this call but i didnt, I dont wanna piss her off but i wanna know what is going on. I guess im just gonna have to wait and see.
  2. well i really don't know what to think right now, ever since we went out to lunch this past Wednesday she hasnt called me. I think she still has feelings for me but maybe she is just confused.
  3. thanks for the advice so far, I do want her back and I figure if she wants me back she will say something or hint around it.
  4. She broke up with me, she said we needed time apart and we were at differnt stages of our life but now im in college and she is starting college and are lives are pretty much on the same path so idk what to think. We never really had any problems, we were together for about a year and a half. We got along just fine my parents loved her( my mom always tells me we should get back together) and her parents though I was great. I am waiting for her to say something to me , but idk if I should say something to her I don't want to push her away.
  5. My ex and I broke up 8 months ago she broke up with me and wanted to still be friends. From September 05' to December 05' she would call me every so often to how I was doing, I never called her in this time. They would be short calls and we never talk about are relasionship just stuff in general. We didn't talk at all to each other from January 06' till April 06' when she call me out of the blue, she wanted to know how i was doing I told I started college and was doing really good, she ask me if I had met any girls and I said no and I left it at that. Thought the month of April she has been calling me alot at least once or twice a week from not hearing from her for 3+ months to now calling me all the time, she never brings up that she wants to get back together but why is she calling me all time now. The other day she called and wanted to go have lunch with me so I agreed and we met for lunch. She was flirting was me, leaning over brushing up againts me, touching my hand stuff like that. I was flirting with her back and she seem to not have a probelm with it. I really don't know what to think of how she has been acting. Does she want to get back together or is she just string me along me ? She is just really confusing me. If anyone can give me any advice on this it would really help
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