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Everything posted by Eucalyptus

  1. What an effing idiot. I'm sorry, but a therapist's job is to help you process and do things on your own...not destroying someone's else's life in the process. Seriously, you deserve a refund. Your job isn't to fix the world by revealing the sins of adulterous spouses. That's totally not the point of getting your life back. What a QUACK!
  2. Thanks, guys. I guess I'll handle it from here and see what happens. Just seems awfully odd to me. Like I said, it's a gut thing.
  3. This isn't his work soiree, it's hers. They don't work together. She invited him.
  4. I suspect this woman has no idea he's dating me, much less practically living with me and wanting to marry me.
  5. Well, as suggested, I took the high road and called him and said I had bailed out of my trip because of weather. I asked if he wanted to go out to dinner and he said, "Sure." Which is good. But he's made plans with this other person. If it were me and it were, indeed innocent, I would have said, "Well, I agreed to meet up with a friend at such & such...wanna come with?" Or "I better call so-and-so and tell her I'll be late/not able to come, etc." After dinner, who's to say he won't go join her? He has to be somewhere early tomorrow morning in a nearby town, and he stays with his folks who live closer on those nights. So I'd be none the wiser if he opted to go by the "happy hour" and check her out. Seriously, I know him well enough to know that if this were on the up and up, I'd know about it because he'd tell me.
  6. This is a VERY unique gut feeling. I am not the jealous or suspcious type. Once I get my equilibrium back, I can fill you all in on things. But seriously, this isn't an insecurity thing, an imagination thing, or a self-fulfilling prophecy thing. It's one of those "pull the rug right under you" kind of things, which I don't care for. Seems to be no way to avoid them, though, eh?
  7. Ugh....thanks, guys. I effing hate this crap.
  8. I was being sarcastic about the killling myself thing. It sickens me that I'm even entertaining the idea of "busting" him for anything.
  9. I have definitely considered the fact that this is innocent. And I would be much happier believing it. But my gut's telling me it isn't. If I weren't pressed for time I would go into why...plus I'm barely able to type a coherent sentence. I appreciated your feedback.
  10. Oh man, I can't believe this is happening to me. Basically, I have become privy to some information that my boyfriend of 10 months is meeting up with another woman at an after-work soiree. I was supposed to be traveling tonight, but because of weather, I have cancelled my trip. Convenient, huh? Suggestions? I figure my options include: 1. Call him like any old day, tell him I bailed out of my trip, blah blah blah 2. Don't tell him anything, and just show up at this "happy hour" and see what transpires 3. Go to a motel and kill myself. Any quick replies would be most appreciated. I'm going to pieces over here and am at a total loss. Eucalyptus
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