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Everything posted by chewiepop

  1. I’m 19 years old and in an amazing relationship with an 18 year old guy and have been for 7 months now. Everything was perfect until about 2 months ago when certain feelings started haunting me. I now constantly worry that he finds other women attractive and that I am (or in future, will not be) not enough for him. I find it upsetting if he watches certain music videos on TV like the * * * * *cat dolls or anything else with scantily clad women in it. I find it majorly uncomfortable if we are walking down the street and a gorgeous girl walks past. If I’m not with him, it drives me crazy to think what he might be doing, it’s got to the point where I’m initiating sex with him everyday, even if I’m not necessarily in the mood, just so that he is relieved and doesn’t have the urge to pleasure himself using pornographic material after I have left. I know that he loves me and I trust him 100% when he says that he will never cheat on me with another woman, but I can’t trust his mind from wandering. I know that I am not extremely attractive, and it’s killing me to think that women other than myself are able to turn him on. We have talked about this, and he tries his best to reassure me but my feelings are still there. He says that if I ask him to give up using porn when I am not there, he will do so because he loves me, but I don’t have the courage to ask and deep down I think that he will resent me for it. It’s really depressing me and I just don’t know what to do about it.
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