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Posts posted by dazedandconfusedbydestiny

  1. I know thats one reason I won't support the humane society here. A year or so ago a family dropped their dog off and the humane society swore they would have no problem getting it a home.


    The family only got a few miles away when they changed their minds and went back to get the dog. The humane society already put it to sleep claiming it had a incureable ear infection.


    In that short of a time a place that claimed to be humane, decided a dog was incurable and put it to sleep. They must have took the dog right to the gas chamber because there wasn't enough time to have the dog checked as throughly as they claimed.

  2. To get rid of the dog or keep it constantly locked up because now you want to have different kinds of pets doesn't really seem fair. And of course, now two guinea pigs have died because they live in a home where a dog already lives. I guess I feel some of us need to more carefully think things through before we make a decision to become the guardians of an animal. It should be a lifelong and caring commitment based on us being pretty sure that our home is an ideal one for that animal. They have emotions and needs, too.


    I can't even look at the dog. I don't want her even near me. I am checking around to see if anyone I know would like her. If not im going to take her the the adopt-a-pet near us. They are a non kill shelter and will keep her til she dies if they can't get her a home.

  3. Ty, It just has been a crappy week all together. Each time I started getting the guinea pig use to me and being handled. It was killed. Hubby wants to get a new one for a companion to my daughters guinea pig because they are social animals. But I don't to get another one, i'm afraid it will die to the moment i start getting close.

  4. At least wait and make sure that the person you want to have sex with is someone you really care for. I don't understand the people who just can have a one night stand with different men all the time. I think sex should be something mutual between both 2 partners who really love each other.

  5. Saturday before last I bought myself and my daughter a guinea pig each. I bought me a guinea pig because my pet rat i had almost 4 yrs was getting really old and had a stroke a month or 2 ago. Last wednesday my daughter left her room door open, and the collie/wolf dog we have killed my guinea pig.


    Hubby got me a new one the same day. I said the dog had to go or I will. They talked me into letting the dog stay, but i said it had to stay in the pen.

    They let the dog back in, and the darn killer killed my new guinea pig yesterday when the careless daughter left her door open again.


    Now I come home today and my pet rat is gone.


    I feel like nothing I have will last, I can't keep anything without it being killed or taken from me.


    Life is so unfair.

  6. this coming from someone that was almost 18 before she went all the way. I viewed sex before marriage the same way.


    If she is like me, body hormones and mind are always in conflict. Don't push her, just wait if and when shes ready she will go all the way if shes not then its not ment to be.

  7. Number one who said i wasnt willing to get a paternity test done to prove it. Number 2 Im done here about this whole damn subject since all you want to do is jump me I hope your never in this position.


    I didnt set out to get pregnant I was on the pill and we used another method. Number 2 dont judge me unless you can say you have been in this postion before and know where im coming from. Hipocritical people is what it comes down to. You all think your beter then the next when your not.

  8. Hope and i dont understand how you can just get stuck on the fact my friend who is also the father of my child made a mistake. I notice you didnt reply to my post about dropping a friend whos in prison. But keep bringing it up. I do not know what the future holds for me nor bob. Nor for me or my husband, I know I want to do the right thing and fix this whole mess and I am trying to by taking it one day at a time.

  9. No he just keeps pointing out its my fault i got in this situation. Rather or not if bob and i get back together has nothing to do with is this marriage ending. Because either way it is not going to be easy to tell my husband the truth let alone anything else.


    As to his wanting to cuddle or not, its a point taken that he obviously is pushing me away. I at this point have got to the point I do not care. I at least know I have tried to see if theres anything worth salvaging. When obviously there isn't. At least now if i do leave him its not going to be a matter did I not at least try to see if theres something to work out, or is our marriage beyond that point.

  10. Dont worry im not taking it to harshly yes faults lay on both end. But sorry people like dn who obvioiusly think its ok for a man to hit a woman and no matter what its their fault gets my ire up. Yes the friend knows now or will shortly about our son.


    It is hard enough to try and fix everthing without someone mentally abusing me on here to. Do you think it's easy to come out to a guy whos not only physically abused you but mentally and tell him you had a affair even if it was a one night stand. I am petrified at what he would do. If he can hit me in anger, try and strangle me, hit me in the abdomen when I was pregnant. Do you think honestly he will sit back and alow me to tell him that his son he always thought was his isn't. Yeah I haven't told him, do you blame me. I am not a masochist who likes to be punched.

  11. Lets take a poll since dn thinks its the womans fault if the man hits her.


    Is it ok for a man to hit a woman?

    Is it ok for a man to hit a woman in the abdomen when shes pregnant?

    Is it ok for a man to try and strangle her?


    I don't think so, and nothing a woman ever does gives a man a right to do the above. I at least tried to stick it out, I at least tried to make this marriage work though I was on the punching end and mentally abused. So maybe im at fault for sticking it out for 13 yrs longer then I should have. Yes I was at fault for letting my emotions get the best of me and let my friend show me I was more then a punching bag. But I WILL NEVER REGRET IT.

  12. 13 yrs ago when he hit me, my friend who i always talked to that happens to be a male his parents offered for me to come up and stay with them a few days if I needed to get away. He lived in their basement. Well one thing led to another.


    My husband and I hadnt had sex around that time I was still recovering from a difficult pregnancy and child birth with my middle child. Well anyways I ended up pregnant which is another thing I never told my husband.


    Very very long difficult situation. My husband has never let on that he knows we didn't have sex around the time our youngest was concieved. Though I have no clue how he doesn't know.


    Our marriage problems as you can see has gone on before he hit me and i went to chicago. NO my friend and I didnt plan to have sex, and yes we used protection. I was on the pill and he used the withdraw method. But considering my husband and I didnt have sex for several months around that time. My friend is the only possible father.

  13. I would suggest getting on the pill yourself. Condoms aren't 100 percent effective and neither is the pill but at least you will have a duo protection. Ky jelly is suppose to be good. But if your not well prepared as in plenty of for play before hand. Or if your just not ready period to go that step. No matter what lube you use will not work. You want this time to be special not something thats ackward and leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. This is coming from a mother of a girl who will be 16 in december. I would tell her the same thing.

  14. we have 3 children 15g, 13g 12b to geta full understanding read my other post. I think we have reached a point in our marriage that neither of us are wanting to see what will happen. We tried the counceling before, worked a bit then ends back up where we are now. I know im pretty much where I no longer care and to stick around to make something work that it's becoming more obvious neither of us want would only do both of us more harm then good.


    I was 20 when i married him 10 days before my 21st birthday, he was 25. Now im 36 going on 37 and hes 42 yrs old will be 43 in october.



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