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Everything posted by peanut74

  1. Of course our financial future together is a concern to me but in the eyes of the law we're just "shacking up". Quick story. I have a friend that works at the Social Security office. A woman came in the office & wanted to apply for SS benefits for her deceased husband. The couple had been living together for about 30 YEARS & just got married months prior because the man was dying. They only got married because he knew he was dying & wanted her to have something. She wasn't eligible for his benefits because they had not been married for long enough. Now this may sound as if I just want to get married for money (trust me he is not a wealthly man) I love this man for the kind of person that he is & how he treats me. I just think that if we love each other then dagnabit let's put our all into it.
  2. Well for me the love I feel for him is first & foremost. If I didn't love this man the way I do I wouldn't even be here. My ultimate point is I love you & you love me. No marriage license should change that. I think that the subject is worth further discussion for us both. Thanks for your input.
  3. Touche * * * * *cat. I could see why you said that. No disrepect to the man I love but he has nothing for me to gain. For me it has to do with stability, our future, & certain level of commitment to us, pure & simple. Maybe its me, I don't know anymore.
  4. We are happy & I feel lucky because I found someone that gets me but as for being legal if we were in South Carolina I wouldn't even be posting a message but I'm in North Carolina & they don't recognize "common law". In North Carolina's eyes I'm just a roommate.
  5. We've discussed it. I've always said that I've wanted to get married one day. I can be honest & say that he's always been a little iffy when it comes to the idea of marriage. He thinks that things are GOING TO CHANGE SO MUCH. As for the house idea of course if my name is on the deed I'd have vested interest in the home but I'm also looking towards the future. There are certain "legal" benefits that come along with getting married. Like SSI, retirement, etc.
  6. Hello all. This is my first time on. I have a boyfriend that I love dearly. I know without any doubt that he loves me too. We've been together 3 years & it's been good. We started off as friends, became close, & I moved into his house a year ago. Lately we've been talking about getting a new home. I told him that if we're going to do that then we should to get married. Not because I feel that getting married will make me happy but if we're going to play house then we need to make this legal. He's cool with the idea of us having kids one day but he thinks that if we're happy then why get married. I don't believe in ultimatums but I don't plan on "shacking up" for the rest of my life. Comments, please. P.S.- I'm 32 & he's 35 so we're not that young.
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