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Posts posted by sasky101

  1. I just want to cry...I can't sit, I can't stand...I tried having hot bath with a water pillow, ice packs, hot packs, nothing seems to help. My mom told me that advil is good to take, but are back pills different? Will it help more? Just trying to figure out anything

  2. Thanks for the advice. I wasn't sure about the chiropractor thing...he just seemed to work better than my regular doctor that would take x-rays and send me on my way. I just feel like doctors jump to surgery very quickly. I wanted to try something different. But thanks again...I've been using ice packs.

  3. Does anyone have any tips on how to relieve lower back pain? I hurt it (again) last night while playing hockey. I pulled it in a weird way. Back pain has been something I've dealt with before, but this time it is a lot of pain. I have acute scoliosis that has gotten a little worse over the years but seems to be staying the same lately. My chiropractor can't see me until monday...so besides advil and whatnot does anyone have any tips about how to relieve the pain? I can't find a comfy position.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. So my friend said its weird that I'm not sad about the accident last week....its not that I'm not sad, I would just rather think about positive happy things, is this wrong? Its like after the initial shock wore off all I've wanted to do is joke around and keep my mind completely off of it. Now that I think about it though it feels like I'm showing them I didn't care...Bah I dunno. Just needed to put that out there.

  5. Hey guys,

    Just a random quick question. So me and my man have been having sex for a short while now...and things are great, don't get me wrong. Its just that there's one thing. He likes it when I am on top...I'm kind of the crazy, energetic fun girl when we are with all of our friends...but in the bedroom, not so much. I mean I am....until it comes to that. I very much love to be in control it's just that when I do I giver' haha. This may sound weird but I don't want to hurt him or anything. So the whole time I'm on top I worry about like breaking his member...heh. I spend too much time worrying that I can't enjoy it.

    any advice?

    Just looking out for the little fella'

  6. There was a bad car accident tonight. A guy I knew hit a semi due to the road conditions and he's dead....him and his girlfriend are dead. I don't know what to do... the worst part is my best friend is his cousin. I want to help him...I lost my friend the same way and I know that all I wanted was someone to listen....but I don't even know how anyone did this. Why does bad crap like this always happen? I feel soooo sick to my stomach right now. I'm not even worried about me...my friend...his cousin, his best frind...he's dead. I don't know what to do... I'm the only person he'll talk to right now and I'm trying to be strong for him but I don't think I can do it. Plus to top it all off tomorrow morning I was supposed to travel that same road home for the long weekend and now this....please talk to me...I don't know what to do....

  7. Well the problem with doing a transfer half way through the year is that I am taking some classes that go all year long, and my advisor said that in order to get credit for those I would need to stay here to complete them. The room-mate dealy is difficult. She will be angry with me if I decide to go home next year, nevermind next semester....she has this big plan for us to live together for a while...

    My original plan was Education. All of the classes I am taking right now are aimed towards teaching, but they can also be useful later with other stuff. I dunno....I just hate this. I can't stop crying. Do you think anyone else goes through this, or am I weirdly attached to home or something?

  8. I feel horrible. I hate how my life is right now. Ever since I'm been living here -8 hours away from home since sept. to go to school, I've been feeling so depressed. I came to school thinking I wanted to do one thing, and then discovered that I don't want to do that at all. I miss my family and my home terribly. Its hard to talk to them because I end up crying and want out of here. I wish more than anything that I could just go home... I need to finish off the year of school though at least, my apartment is leased until then. I'm also living with my best friend...you think that would be great, but instead it has put a massive strain on our friendship and I just want out. I don't know how to take things one day at a time. I try but I just want to count down until Christmas...and even then I know I'll have to come back. Any advice to help me live in the now? Or relieve my homesick ways? Will this end?

  9. Hey, welcome to enotalone first of all.

    So right to it...personally I have only had one person that I have been sexually active with. I absoloutly love him. Size does not matter to me at all. He isn't huge, but he gets the job done. To me he is completely perfect. I feel self-conscious about my own body so I don't feel like it would be fair to judge someone else on theirs. I don't judge you either though. I guess different people just have different likes. Maybe I'm different because I've only had sex with one person. And who knows....maybe when you find that special person you will realize that size becomes the least of your worries. If it is indeed something that you need, then I guess you will have to make future decisions based on that...

  10. Thanks for the advice. I don't think I am...but I might do a test just to be completely sure...couldn't hurt. I have been under a lot of stresss lately due to exams and such, but it usually doesn't affect me like this. Maybe I'm just feeling the stress and anxiety. That would make sense. I also got my doctor to put in a referal to a female doctor. Should make future appointments easier.

  11. Hi,

    So lately I've been feeling a bit off. I don't really know how to explain it. All of my girlfriends are telling me that it sounds like I'm pregnant...but I don't think thats the case. I mean I have all of the right symptoms except one. I have still been getting my period. What do you think are the chances of still having your period while you are pregnant? I have heard of this but I'm not sure. Also to add...I haven't had the possibility of a pregnancy since the beginning of August. So I'm thinking thats not it. They just have me paranoid. But my question is....what else do you think it could be? I have had little episodes of getting sick throughout the day and then they'll leave and I'm fine. I went to the doctor and he just said that if it gets worse to come back...he didn't do any tests though. So I'm confused. Its been lasting a few weeks. Any thoughts?

  12. I have had sex one time...it was with a guy that I was seeing...and yeah I completely and totally regretted it; that was until I came to the realization that regrets don't help anything. You live and learn and its not a mistake that I will easily make again.

  13. Yes you can still get pregnant when you are on your period. Read this site:


    link removed


    Its answers it all there.


    And I know you already know this, but no matter when you should always be using some sort of protection. Know your options.

  14. I'll make this short and easy to read. here's the scoop....when I was younger...probably between the ages 6-9 a family friend who was about 15 or 16 at the time used to force me to do stuff to him. It was always me doing stuff to him and never him to me, and as a kid I knew it was wrong...but our family was so close..I never really said much to anyone. Anyway, now with relationships the thought of me touching his "member",...esp. near my mouth etc, totally makes me freak out. the thought of sex itself doesn't bother me, but I know that all of that it is part of sex. I just can't get over it. Do you think I'll ever get comfortable with it? If so, how? It feels like my guy suffers because of it...while he still doesn't know why. I don't know what to do.

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