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  1. thanks everyone. Im really glad i can here. thanks especially to ta_ree_saw and boricua7. hopefully everything will work out, no matter how it works out.
  2. Hi, im new here. But i thought maybe someone here might be able to help me out. My ex and i, first met at the beginning of january. We quickly became friends. I asked her to be my date to the senior prom at school, and she enthusiastically said yes (she is a junior however). That was about a month ago. We began flirting with each other quite a bit, and she soon asked me out before i could ask her! We began going out, and everything seemed great. But then she dumped me exactly one week after we started going out. i thought everyhting was going great. We would kiss everytime we left each other, we would walk hand in hand proudly, all of that good stuff. But it only lasted a week!! the shortest relationship ive ever experienced. She says she's not ready for a relationship and she doesnt think i am. She also said that her feelings changed after we started dating. whats that mean? she says she really wants to stay friends and that she is still going to prom with me, but dang. is there anything i can do to win her back, or make her think she wants me back? i know she still has feelings for me as well & i really like this girl. thanks so much. mr. unlucky
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