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Cute Band Rat

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Posts posted by Cute Band Rat

  1. WOW..Well, first of all...I am not saying you were completely wrong with what you did. You wanted to know if he would take the "bait" of the "mystery" online person....and he went for it. OUCH!!!! I KNOW that must have stung...but truthfully I think I would have played along with him...BEFORE reacting. Perhaps you could have learned much MORE about him

    as a "stranger" than as yourself. I am not advocating gameplaying...but that's how you get info that you need. Another thing I would have done is simply dropped off his radar once I knew what he was up to..rather than confront him with it...because then that just makes YOU look like the psycho.


    Anyway....I think you oughta let things cool off a bit. Then maybe down the road you can simply mail him a letter explaining why you did what you did, that you regret it..etc...but without expecting a reply. It may be a letter of "closure" for you if nothing else.

  2. Iceman is right. Your ex has to initiate you getting together..and preferrably

    ANY contact. My ex responded to MY contact but HE wanted to talk on the phone..so that was my green light. Nothing has transpired yet since our talk..but I have been busy moving and he has been out of town. Hopefully we will be in contact again in the near future...but for now I am just living my life and doing my thing. I'll post any updates as they happen.

  3. FCT..That was beautiful. I think EXACTLY what you wrote here (excluding the current g/f stuff) is EXACTLY what you should say to your ex....in a card or email. I bet she would be in tears when she reads it.


    As for your current G/F....truthfully FCT...you are NOT her savior. She has REAL issues she needs to deal with...and NO relationship is going to save her from herself. NO matter HOW perfect the guy is..she is going to have these issues regardless. Perhaps being without a b/f is EXACTLY what she needs to deal with those issues.


    You deserve to be happy FCT. Get to it.

  4. FCT?


    Do you want to get back together with your ex or not??

    Are you happy with your current g/f or just passing the time??


    It seems to me like you're putting your emotions on hold rather than

    being true to them. This causes anxiety..and stress.


    It sounds to me like you want your ex back but are afraid to actually

    verbalize it for fear of backlash.


    Why are you with your current g/f ?? You ahve said you KNOW it won't last and that the sex isn't even up to par. Whats the point??? Are you worried she will fall apart?? Thats a crappy reason to saty with someone. I'd rather be alone for the RIGHT reasons than involved for the WRONG ones.


    I think its time to start being honest with YOURSELF and not denying that you are STILL IN LOVE with your ex and that SHE is who you want in your life.

    Make a declaration to her. What do you have to lose? You aren't with her as it is............the truth shall set you free.

  5. Heloladies is right on this one. Six years is a long time to be with somoene and NOT know what you want. I think you talking to her on the phone for two hours ..while it probably felt good..it also will not motivate her to move towards you because you already satisfied her curiosity about you. REMEMBER: She must miss you. She must not feel she can call you at the drop of a hat and you'll come running. She gave up that right when she broke up with you. I also agree with Heloladies that you should consider going out..and yes dating. It sounds as if your ex takes you for granted and she needs to know you are attractive to the opposite sex. You are a free agent now as well as she is. Take advantage of that for now. I am betting she'll be back.

  6. Hey LL.


    I tried doing NC for a bit. It worked for a while, but I knew I felt something for this particular guy, so I did LC. (Limited Contact). I think this was the BEST method for me.....but of course this is NOT for everyone. This was soemone I thought was done with me for good too and just last week we opened the lines of communication again (I initiated it) and who knows what can happen from here? I hope this means it can progress from here,but that remains to be seen. You may get replies saying "don't do it' or if she didn;t contact you first then it's not right. I disagree because had I stuck with strict NC, we would have NOT talked and flirted again, and I would never know how he really felt about me. I think you need to go with your gut..and do whats right for YOU.

  7. Thanks Lara. I'm really not sure WHY my interest waned. I DO like him but maybe it's just that I don't want to pursue anything further right now. At the same time I don;t want to do what many here hate...and keep him hanging.

    Again, there is nothing really wrong with him. He's nice, nice looking, he thinks I'M the cats MEOW(he's said this).....but I dunno. One small detail though, is that I AM still interested in someone else but thats another story entirely.

  8. Geeesh...the size of a PINKY???? Why should you feel like a jerk for wanting your needs met?? Part of a satisfying relationship IS being sexually satisfied..or you're gonna look for it elsewhere.


    What you're feeling is no worse than a guy saying a girl was so big he couldn't hit the "sides"...or it being like a B.B. in a boxcar....

  9. Hey gang!!!


    Got a dilemma.

    Met this guy a couple months ago on MySpace, and we hit it off pretty well. Lot of flirting, etc. I was initially interested in him and we met one night out at a hangout he likes. Had a few drinks and good conversation. We both left separately. I gave hima small peck on the lips goodbye.


    Now don't get me wrong...this guy ISN'T hounding me to go out....but I can tell he wants to take it further. I didn't talk to him AT ALL last week. He sent me a message on MySpace asking what I wanted to do for the 4th. Implying that he wanted to hang out. I replied that I had plans with a few friends...which I DID. H e seemed cool with it...then nothing more till this morning I got another message...


    Hey Gorgeous,


    How ya been? Why haven't I heard from you (I know, what a nag, eh?) and when am I gonna have the pleasure of your company again?


    I hope all is well . . . and I look forward to hearing from you soon.





    I haven't replied....and not sure I want to.

    I KNOW I need to be honest and tell him I'm not interested anymore...

    but this is hard for me to do. I HATE it when people aren't honest with me.


    The truth is...he's a NICE guy..and I WAS interested at first, but my interest kinda waned a bit.


    Any tips on how to handle this?

    Thanks guys.

  10. Ok I know this sounds shallow, but I WISH I was taller!!!!!!

    I'm like 5'2 or 5'3 and though I'm proportionate I just feel like

    a little dwarf!!!!! lol Wearing heels and platform shoes help

    and elongate me...but I HATE being short!!!! Even being 5'5 or 5'6

    would be nice. Then again I have curly hair and wish it was straight,

    so I suppose we'll always have soemthing to complain about huh????


    How tall are all of you guys???

    Whats your preference to the opposite sex??

  11. Kuys this happened to me recently as well..........yes I was "cartwheel' excited, but I am trying to not not let things get out of context.

    Go slow. Keep your expectations LOW and let HER bring up the past OR any relationship talk. You stay upbeat, and happy (even if you have to fake it). Make her laugh......and ..this one is important...end the calls first. Leave her wanting more. Don't play games...just protect your heart.


    I'm glad you're excited. it really DOES feel great doesn't it??

    Best of luck!!!

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