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Everything posted by alwayslost

  1. I have known this girl for about six months, and our relations can be described as friends, but we constantly flirted with each other throughout all that time. I like her, and i know that she likes or at least liked me at some point before, because i told her how i felt and she told me that she liked me as well. She had a boyfriend until about a few months ago, and she just doesnt want another boyfriend because she apparently doesnt find relationships to be too exciting. However me and her still flirt with one another, and i constantly feel that she giving me hints that she wants something from me that is more than friendship, maybe it just seems to me that way and nothin is happening, but sometimes when we are alone we act as if we are not friends but more than that, for example we were kissing a number of times, but after that she acted as if nothing is happening. Also, she never really hangs out with me outside of school, because she just doesnt feel like seeing me too often. Maybe she is just playing around with me and has no intentions for me whatsoever??? If anyone has advice on what this sounds like and what i should do, please reply!!!
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