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Posts posted by Nathalie1970

  1. You know what, though Nathalie? The best relationships are when both people want what they actually have.


    I understand that scout, but what I am trying to tell mark is that the more he chases her, the less she wants him. And if you notice, the minute he doesn't pay attention to her and she is on the rocks with the current bf, she is all over him.


    Just stating the obvious.


    ps. Scout, glad you found someone that appreciates you....

  2. Wonder what will be next.


    She will txt msg you with some sorry excuse ie.mail, family...etc


    Pretend she is just another girl you just met and like, don't pressure her or talk relationship stuff. Don't call her, remember, people always want what they can't have (my new mantra)

  3. Thanks Natalie.

    I'm always looking forward to your responses.

    You are a big help to me.


    I'm glad I can be of help. I hope that everything works out for you. Keep us posted.


    Stay strong, I'm rooting for you

  4. I don't believe it was a step backwards, she came to see you, not the other way around. Let her chase you, people always want what they can't have. I wouldn't bring up the current donkey that she is dating, let her deal with that on her own.


    You're doing great!!!!!!!!

  5. I feel a little worse.

    But not too bad.

    I feel like being with her though.

    The second she walked in she was emotional.

    I could tell she really missed me.

    I wonder how the visit made her feel about things.


    I know you want to be with her, but you still need to hold back. The minute you let her know the extent of your feelings, she will back away again. She has proven it time and time again.


    I'm sure the visit made her feel confused. Don't call or txt msg her and she will contact you again. Have you made it clear that she should only be contacting you if she wants to work on your relationship??

  6. Stick with NC...let her text msg you all she wants.....I think she is looking for a reaction (any kind of reaction) from you.


    Leave the mail under the mat and try to keep busy with your friends. Hope you are feeling better today. Chin up and stay strong

  7. Unless you guys were mass murderers or something worse, the breaking up is not your fault. It takes two to tango. You might love the ex with all your heart but you can't believe it's all your fault. They have some faults of their own so try to remember that.


    You are good people worthy of love and kindness.


    Cheer up and stay strong

  8. She just called and left a voice mail.

    She asked if I could leave her mail out for her or if I would be around later to pick it up.

    She has some errands to run today, blah blah blah.

    Then she says, "hope things are going well, talk to you later"


    I'm not gonna respond.


    Leave the mail outside in a plastic bag (maybe on the door handle) and definitely don't respond. She is looking for contact in some sort of way.

  9. Everyone,


    I understand the fact that someone has been with your ex while you are broken up can be hard. I know I would feel awful about my ex bf being with someone else while we were apart but if it made him decide that he loves me and will put his all into our relationship for the rest of our lives, it would be worth it.


    Again whatever you decide is up to you, Good luck with your decision.

  10. Okay, I am putting my 2 cents in -


    She may have been with other guys, you guys were on a break (yes, I sound like Ross from Friends), but the fact that she wants to be back with you should make you so happy. She found out that she loves you, and wants to be with you. Would you risk the chance of seeing if it will work out this time because of pride??? I would do anything to have another chance with my ex bf


    Go out on a couple of dates with her and see how it goes?? You could be pleasantly surprised


    Whatever you decide to do, is up to you.....

  11. Absolutley! Don't be sorry, you're 100% correct.

    However, I don't think I'm her fallback guy. She has not displayed any desire to come over or call or anything.......yet.


    It's not the desire to come over or call, but she txt msgs you whenever they are not speaking. She is keeping you in the loop (so to speak), she knows she can come back to you whenever she wants to.


    Strict NC, no replies to her txt msgs or anyway she tries to contact you.

  12. Mark,


    Your ex gf is dating a jerk, who from the sounds of it is sleeping with anything that crosses his path (yuck). She doesn't trust him (looking at his phone), she knows that he is with other girls and she keeps running to you when there is trouble (you're her fall back guy) I wouldn't take her back if my life depended on it.


    I'm sorry, I know this is not what you want to hear, but reread the emails, she doesn't seem worthy of you or your love.

  13. No, I didn't.

    We have a mutual friend.




    I think you should tell all your mutual friends that you don't want to hear about your ex gf for awhile. I am glad that you found out about her being back with the current bf, because I hope it gives you the strength to stick with NC. The current bf sounds like a jerk and she will realize it soon enough, but if you still give her a shoulder to lean on then she will never see that. You also need to let her miss you, so NC!!!!!!!!


    Be strong, if it's meant to be, it will be (goodness, I am full of cliches)

  14. Some people just like to cause trouble. Next time a "friend" comes to tell you something about your ex, stop them in their tracks and say I am not interested in anything that he does now. If they still want to tell you, walk away.


    I'm sorry that you had to hear that garbage

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