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Posts posted by Nathalie1970

  1. Dave,


    You're so right. The only person that has to be happy with you is you. If your ex gf wanted to be with you, she would be, no matter what. She would accept you for who you are and try to work out your problems in the relationship together.


    Good job on your breakthrough. Keep up the positive thoughts

  2. My dad told me that God sometimes doesn't answer the prayers we want because he knows what is in our best interest.






    There is a song by Garth Brooks "Unanswered Prayers"....It is exactly what your father told you. "Sometimes god's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"


    Stay strong, you are doing the right thing and everything will be alright in the end. Everything happens for a reason

  3. Calgary,


    I thought when you went out with her after work a couple of weeks ago that you didn't know if you wanted to get back together with her then. What has changed your mind?? Is it the fact that she is not contacting you?? I think you should remain in NC and let her come to you. (If that is what you really want). Trust me, I am not one to talk since I can't seem to ignore my ex bf's calls or emails. You need to sit back and ask yourself, what do I want??


    If you still want to be with her, then I think you should talk to her. No more game playing, let her know how you feel and if she still doesn't want to be with you then walk away. Do absolute NC, no replying to in any form of contact she might initiate.


    Good Luck and hope some of this helps

  4. Pikey,


    I would talk to your ex and say that unless he is willing to try again that you cannot go out as friends right now. Tell him that you are getting mixed messages and that you just want to lay your cards on the table, no game playing. It sounds confusing to me and I am not even in the relationship. He obviously still cares for you and wants to see you (even if just as friends) but he needs to let you be for awhile. If he is dating and you are ready to date then keeping in contact is not fair for the people that you guys are going to go out with.


    Go on your date and have a good time, try not to think about the ex and what his asking you out might mean.


    Good Luck

  5. KD,


    You are a bigger person than me to be in a situation (camping trip) and keeping your cool. I applaud how you have handled everything. It sounds like when things are not working out for him and his new gf that he misses you. You were right in telling him, to make himself happy first. If he does break up with the new gf, then tries to get back with you, I would say to him take time to be by himself and see if you are really who he wants to be with.


    If he sends you another "I miss you, I miss us" email, ignore it. He wants a response from you, don't give it to him. If you see him around, then keep up what you have been doing, be nice but not available. (easier said than done, I know)


    Good luck and stay strong

  6. Grateful,


    I have to agree with every single thing said by everybody on this thread. She does not want to be alone, and now that the guy she was seeing is bailing because she is pregnant, she is running to you. Would she be asking for you back if he wanted the baby?? My guess is no.


    I would tell her that you will always care for her, but you cannot be her friend right now, she has hurt you too much for that to be possible. I would explain to her that you wish her well and hope all goes well with the procedure this weekend, but you do not want to hear from her and if the day comes that you feel that you can be friends, you will call her.


    I'm sorry that you are feeling the way you do right now, but know this, you have heard the worst, it can only get better. Good luck and keep us posted

  7. I told her when we were dating that I would give her a car, and i promised her that.


    You told her this when you were "dating", you don't have to go through with it anymore. She broke her promise to stay with you.


    Just my point of view. Good luck with everything

  8. Not to sound harsh, but it sounds like you were addicted to the drama. You have been on an emotional rollercoaster, been very happy and very sad, but now you have been pushed off (or jumped, which ever way you want to look at it). Heck, we all know that it hurts, pick yourself up, brush yourself off and find a ride that you want to be on, that won't scar you, and you can be happy on.


    Stay strong, maintain NC and never look back.

  9. Do not think about it!!!!!!!!!!


    Remember, we all know the current bf is a jerk, from what I have read, he probably won't do anything for her at all and if you ask me (which you haven't) she deserves the grief she is going to get from dating him.


    So, again, forget her (easier said than done) and live your life for you, do what's going to make you happy.

  10. I have said it before and Iwill say it again - You are her fall back guy. When things are rough with the current man she comes running to you for support and the boosting of her confidence.


    I know you already realize all of this and how hard it is to let go, but for now you need to do it for your own sanity.


    Let sleeping dogs lie....


    Stay calm (easier said than done, I know)

  11. Mark,


    I agree with what everyone has said, but I have one question for you. How did you get the email?? Have you checking her email account again?? If so, stop, it does you and your recovery no good.


    This girl is so not worth it, the more I hear the more I could just slap her for being a inconsiderate, selfish, b****. (sorry for the violence talk ) Please know that we are all worried about you and just want the best for you.


    Stay strong, and let the trash stay on the curb where it belongs

  12. Girly point of view coming up......


    I would love flowers from the ex....but since it is just for coffee, I say no to the flowers. If you guys were going out on a full fledge date, I would bring flowers and the romantic side of you

  13. As far as her texting me, I don't know if she will anymore.

    She probably figures I'll never respond since I haven't responded to her last 6.


    She will text msg you just for the fact that you haven't responded to her last 6. If she doesn't txt then she will just show up like she did this last weekend (with her whole family to boot). She will make herself visible in your life so that you don't forget about her. If things don't work out with the current jerk (as we know it won't), she will come running back and I hope you are strong enough to say "Don't let the door hit you on the way out"

  14. Mark,


    You know she will be contacting you, she has shown us that if she doesn't hear from you she txt msgs you just to get a response. Don't wait for her to though, go out with friends and live your life. A watched pot never boils (gotta love them cliches...)

  15. Jason,


    You need to start focusing on you. Pick yourself up and start actively doing stuff for yourself. Find a hobby, start looking for work, go to the movies with friends etc...Keep yourself busy and you will find that you will start to think less and less about the failed relationship. I'm not saying that you will forget about it completley but it will not dominate your life.


    NC is definitely the way to go, but if you do need to talk to the ex gf, maybe start off by only talking once a week and not about the relationship, then taper it off. You need to get back control of yourself and your life.


    Stay strong and know we are here for you

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