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  1. What do YOU want? If you like her, then talk to her... in person, not via text message or email. If you don't like her, move on. Many people have different patterns of behavior... she might just be unable to manage her time well, she might have met somebody else, there is no way to know unless you ask her. But it kinda sounds to me like she is not interested, but is too childish to tell you directly... unfortunalty the childish types are sometimes also the carefree happy go lucky types that attract so many of us...
  2. Yeah, I had the confidence thing in my 20s, and dating went well. Now I suppose I kinda feel like I have to explain my 2 divorces... even though most women don't really ask. I still 'feel' like I'll have to defend it any minute, and I guess it puts me on edge. I think with all of the women I've dated that havn't been married, in the back of my mind part of me is saying "they don't wan't a divorced dude, they just had nothing better to do tonight". I realize I need to change this thinking (thanks for the reminders), but knowing it and doing it are different. How do I actually do it?
  3. hosswhispra - I think you missed my point (maybe I didn't make it very well). The issue isn't meeting women and getting dates, its having the dates go very well, as in getting a 2nd or 3rd date.
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