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Everything posted by on_legendary

  1. So here's my situation: Last week while out to dinner with a group of friends, I found myself to be very attracted to our waitress. I kind of picked up on some "signals" as we were lightly flirting with each other. I didn't want to make too much of a scene in front of my friends since some of them were girls and at least one of those girls has expressed an attraction to me in the past. I really wanted to let our waitress know that I was interested in getting to know her and found her attractive so the best thing I could think of to do without making a scene was when my check came (we all paid with separate checks) to use a credit card and leave my phone number. So I did just that. I know she got the number because when she went to the credit card machine I noticed her look up with a surprised look on her face and then she looked right at me and smiled. After about 4 or 5 days she never called (which in a way I wasn't really expecting her to call since I am just some random guy). So last night a smaller group of my friends and myself went out to the same restaurant and she was there. We had someone different wait our table but she did walk by a few times. I tried to make eye contact but it seemed like she didn't really notice me. I kind of sensed that she knew I was there and remembered me but was either shy, not interested at all in me, has a boyfriend, or was just too busy with work to be distracted. I didn't want to bother her while she was working so basically I left without making it obvious I was there. My question is what do you all think would be a good way to at least get some more info from her (ie—whether she is a little bit interested or not interested at all or taken) without looking like a stalker or interfering with her work life too much. I told a friend of mine about this situation and he wants to go back next week with his girlfriend and me and request to sit in her section so I can talk to her a little bit more and see if there is any opportunity to meet up with her outside of work. He thinks by having his girlfriend there it will make the environment a little less hostile since there would be at least another female present. I am thinking it might be just a good idea to get over her though. Thanks for any advice!
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