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Posts posted by veritas25

  1. hi,


    i started my second cycle of tri-cyclen lo, but because im on vacation, i messed up the time differences and started the cycle a day early (meaning that there were 6 days between, not the usual 7). i decided it would be better to continue taking the pills, instead of skipping a day...do you think this will have any major effects? thanks for any input!

  2. im on ortho tricyclen lo and for the first 2 weeks i was nauseous and felt bloated, but then i began taking it at 11 pm, before bed...no side effects during the daytime anymore...anyways try a lower dose of hormones first and set an alarm on your cell phone, that way you'll never forget to take it

  3. i think that some time apart may be a good idea...you have been together since you were 16, people change a lot throughout the time you guys have been together...find out if you love him, now that these changes have occurred. good luck


    one more thing, dont make rash decisions because thats been a source of problems for me in the past

  4. hi...any comments would be greatly appreciated


    i have been dating someone for 2 months, and for once i can see this relationship going far, i am 18 and he is 20...although both of us seem a lot older than that. anyways, in the past i was hurt by a boyfriend and since then have developed a fear of trusting and kept relationships going for abut a month before leaving (fear, choosing someone not right for me, not sure). i tend to jump into relationships too quickly because im determined to prove to myself that the boyfriend that hurt me had no effect on me.

    for once, i felt incredibly confident in this relationship...we have an unbeliavable connection, on practically every level. that is, until my mom and i had a talk and she said something along the lines of "we met too young for this to be something serious", she said this because she truly hopes the opposite will happen because she approves of him. this put doubt/anxiety in my mind, to the point where i have trouble breathing...because i am afraid that i will run again, although i know i dont truly want to. usually, i find something wrong with the person and tell myself that they are wrong for me, to justify it. so that is it...sorry for the essay. any suggestions?

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