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Posts posted by canuckhead

  1. well..... what do you want to do?


    do you just want money, or do you want a career that will make you happy? you can do both, you know....


    what do you want to do with your life?


    well i'm majoring in economics right now, and then i would want to work for a bank (account manager?) or financial/investment company (stocks) cuz i'm actually very good working with numbers and it doesn't bore me one bit (u can say i'm boring i guess)....so i guess for that, i would need a degree. but its just that i'm already working part-time as a bank teller and my manager tells me there are opportunities for promotion even if i don't have a degree, but obviously not for the really high paying ones (such as like a bank manager)...so all this is just really making me think a bit about whether to continue and work for the very high paying job (bank manager/executive for financial company), which isn't guarenteed, or stop now and still be able to get an ok-paying job. lol sorry if this is getting long....

  2. Are you trying to decide whether to go to college?


    No actually i'm in my 2nd year (BA) but it's just that i really feel like moving (outta my parent's place) and to just start working full-time. but i also want a good career (good-paying too). However, some of my high-school friends didn't go to college but they've moved out already, so i'm just wondering if a degree is really necessary. not only that, but i've also heard some people who have degrees but still don't get the jobs that they want (and still get stuck with the low-paying, goin-nowhere jobs)...so it's just making me kinda second-guess if what i'm doing right now is really worth it.

  3. i've heard everywhere that people with degrees tend to earn more than people without degrees. Is this true? i'm guessing the response here would probably be 50-50. But i'm just wondering if the chance of getting a high-paying job is actually better if u have a degree?

  4. it says that senior officials doing what im doing make about 100,000 to 200,000 a year. i dont know if that's worth it though. all my higherups spend the whole work day in front of the computer.


    wow thats actually pretty good money (anything in 6 figures is good right?). i would actually love a job like that...i'm good with numbers, and i like computers i guess

  5. Can I ask why a relationship no longer being challenging means it's not worth having anymore?


    yeah...why do some ppl think relationships (long-term ones) r suppose to be challenging? isn't it about comfort and compatibility after u've been with each other for so long? i mean...u want a challenge, go climb up mt.everest.

  6. i am actually told that this could be a great career, and there is actual upward mobility. but man, it is boring .


    yea a great career for someone that likes computers and working with numbers...but that doesn't seem like its something u like...

    some like that, some don't.

    as for the upward mobility, if the promotion gets u more exciting responsibilities (that u would like), then u could stick it out i guess. i mean, u gotta start somewhere. i think most careers u gotta start low and work ur way up...

  7. just a plain job is suppose to be boring...so i'm guessing this is just a job and not a career?

    There are many careers out there...u just have to find something u love doing and not think about the money.

    my parttime job right now is boring too...but its not gonna be my career so i don't really care...its just for the money.

  8. I just broke up with my boyfriend of three and a half years. Basically I love him very much but I know in my heart he is not the person I want to marry. Soo that's pretty much my reason..it's time to move on and try to find "the one"


    So pretty much....you weren't compatible? Cuz that's what i don't get....he was the right person to begin with (or else why would u guys have started dating) but then he wasn't.

    Were u guys just incompatible after a while? Did he change?

  9. There's probably been a topic bout this but....

    What were everyone's reasons for their breakup? The dumpees here mostly say that they didn't really get a reason....just that their s.o. fell out of love? But what bout the dumpers (ones who did the dumping) here? What were most of your reasons for breaking up with ur bf/gf? Incompatibility? he became a jerk? didn't treat u well? cheated? etc....

  10. how many real relationships have all of u had by the age of 25?


    just wondering cuz....well me and my ex broke up but it was a pretty great and healthy relationship. there was respect all around and whenever we argued, we never called each other names or yelled our heads off...we alwasy got thru things maturely. we were just soo close to each other. We were both each others second bf/gf. So i'm just wondering if she maybe just needed to go out and date others to find out just how great we were? She's with someone else right now, but i'm wondering how long that will last bc he's already pretty controlling of her...not even letting her talk to me anymore and stuff like that.

  11. for ppl that believe in soul mates...does that mean that u think there's only ONE person out there for u? Or do u think u there could be many soulmates for u? cuz ive been thinkin bout this for a while...i don't think i believe in there being only one soulmate for everyone. i believe ppl get to know each other very well and treat each other very well...and genuinely have a lot in common with (interests, future plans...etc.)...AND THEN they start "sharing" their soul...they fall in love and then work very hard to make it last. so in essense...i don't think i believe in soulmates...or if i do...i dont' believe in there only being one. there could be many...and it could be anyone. what do u guys think?

  12. just a random question...i guess this is mainly for the girls. of the many guys u've been with or gone out with...how many have turned out to be jerks? like a percentage...(say 4/5 bfs turned out to be jerks...then 80%)

  13. I'm just wondering...this is for guys and girls (little older too i guess)...how many bfs or gfs have u actually loved or fell in love with? and i mean truly love...


    and i'm sure not all of u have loved all ur ex bf/gfs.


    i'm asking because i'm just wondering...does love come easily? like i've had a few gfs but i haven't really TRULY loved all of them...maybe just a couple.

  14. You have to play the game right mate! First thing you did wrong was to contact her only after 4 days. I know it was hard for you but when you did that, you were actually acting clingy and was implying to her that the break up wasnt serious at all! I know she told you that the break up may only be temporary but let me tell you this, never completely believe what you hear unless its actioned out as well. But take it from me, its not all over if you play your cards right. Attraction is a weird thing. You have to keep your distance from her right now. When she sees you, dont get all clammy, try your best to be yoruself, like she was just a plain old friend. Dont set to impress thats what i mean. ok, maybe u can try to impress a lil by dressing up in clothes u look best in and putting on ur best cologne and driving ur bimmer...but just be urself. And please dont go calling her and never ever ever whine to mutual friends that you're still not over her. And in the meantime, better yourself as in try doing something different for a change, like taking up a 'cool sport' like surfing/gymming. You'll never know, you'll meet someone whilst you're doi`ng it!! And thats exactly what Im trying to get at...you psyche yourself into believing that she still wants you back (whether its true or not), but you want to move on with your own life now for the time being!! And if you do it right, chances are, she'll come around in time to come...but do bear in mind tho that this might take weeks even months. But if she does come around later, you will have the choice of taking her back or the sweet girl you met at the coffee house!! But whatever you do, dont grovel, dont call her (unless it's important like ur having surgery or its their birthday), dont let her know how hurt you are (she doesnt have to know and its not like it'll do your situation any good anyway) and most of all, dont whine about it!! Take it like a good sport and she'll soon realise what shes missing!!

  15. Here's a good piece of advice (for guys).

    When someone breaks up with you...first, theres some good news and some bad. The bad first: It is over for now and at least the next year or so at the very least. Girls never tend to come out and say it is over and please leave me alone unless they really mean it. You can't make her listen (without breaking laws and looking very unsexy and desperate.) You can't really do anything except fight every urge to contact her, at least for a long while.


    The good news is that there is a spark of hope for the future and you are in the perfect position to make it work for you. You need to increase the sexy factor and decrease the creepy factor. (We all do! Not you specifically.)


    Why the perfect position? Because there are a few things that most girls really respond to. Most important is- do not look desperate. If no other girls would look twice at you, she definitely won't. So (and I know this might seem impossible, but try it as an experiment,) DATE! And do so at least once a month. Do not stay inside except to study. This will keep you from focusing on her and increase the likely hood of her hearing how great you look and how you were having fun with some girl. Girls will ALWAYS think twice when another woman thinks you worthy. She says to herself "wait, maybe I over reacted..."


    Make sure to study and more than usual. Why, girls are hardwired to go for a guy that is protective, smart, and with the capability to succeed. Look and become the guys- guy. Insist on respect and never be anywhere you are not wanted and valued. Act as if you deserve respect and you will get it.


    You don't have to be a gorgeous stud, but you do have to be her biggest wonder or what if guy. So to sum up the goods for attracting girls, I give you a quick list of the top turn ons: success, confidence, brains, protection, guys who other guys respect, guys who other girls want to date, guys who could take or leave them but are not disrespectful, honest guys who never over attach until it is mutual, and guys who have a hobby or access in something that is unusual like motor cross, travel, movie lots, art, concerts, knowledge of the best club bouncers...


    Then when you have defiantly increased the sexy and decreased the creepy, you may call her... BUT- only if u feel ur really ready. If you see her keep your cool. You can smile and cut the conversation a bit short and look wistfully and comment that she still has it but, oh well, her loss too. This is the only hope. If she seems receptive (laughs a lot, looks at you through the top of her eyes, touches you at all, or lingers consider asking if she wants coffee before you split again. But even then keep it short. Always leave em wanting more.


    Play it right and she will think fondly of you forever at the minimum! Play it as I said and you probably won't even care with in six months.. There are millions of ladies out there and there never will never be an easier time to hunt down so many your own age. Once you are out of college it will get very different. The average guy marries whomever he is dating about 1 year after graduation BECAUSE it is SOOOOO tough to even meet people.


    Don't Call and either study or exercise each time the urge to overwhelms you. Everybody lucky enough to have felt love and who didn't settle for the first experience and person who they happened upon , has felt what you do now. That is where all of our responses come from and we know how horrible it feels. But each day is one day closer to happiness. Make a life for your self and make it a good one... it is the sweetest revenge and a sweet aphrodisiac!

    Ya hear me!?

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