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  1. She does have feelings for.. she still loves me a lot or so she says but she just doesn't want to think of him while she is with me and that's why she says she has to do this.
  2. Thanks for the input. It really does sound like she's selfish but I really can't just shove her out of my life. However, I guess I shouldn't let myself be so vulnerable for her to take advantage of me. Can two people who have feelings for each other truly ever be just friends?
  3. So my girlfriend of three years broke up with me recently.. well actually it was kind of mutual. Everything was great and we loved each other very much. However, the reason for our breakup was because of another guy. She met this guy through a friend and they started hanging out -- a lot. I thought something was fishy so one day I asked her straight out if she had feelings for this guy. She said no. She then continues to tell me that I should accept the fact that they are just really good friends with no other intentions. This put me at ease. Fast forward a week later and shes acting all distant and strange. I ask her if she's losing feelings for me and she says "not at all.. but I have feelings for that guy." My heart nearly fell out of my chest. After a lot of talking and such we decide to go on a break because she said that ever since she was younger, she told herself that if she was ever in a situation like this that she would go and try it out with the third person so that she wouldn't wonder and so that it would be fair to everyone. At the time I thought it was the right thing to do because I didn't want her to think of this guy while she was with me and I definitely did not want her to regret the decision of staying with me. But now I sort of feel that she is selfish for doing this. She said it's the best for everyone but do you guys think she's selfish for doing this? Did 3 years really not mean that much to her if she is able to throw it all away to try something new? So we break up and I decide that I wanted no contact from her besides txt msgs every now and then if she must. After a week of no contact, she msgs me and tells me how much she misses me and stuff and this really upsetted me because right after she txt me, I called her and asked her why don't we get back together then if she misses me so much. She responds with "I have to go through with this.. we have to go through with this" and all that crap. So fine. She says she wants to continue being friends -- best friends even. So recently I've decided that I want to continue being in her life and be best friends or whatever with her. However, I'm always the one calling and I'm always the one asking her to do things. Why is it always me? What should I do about? I have a million more things to say but I'll leave this for now because it's getting way too long
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