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Posts posted by Regretfulman

  1. Many women are telling me that I need to tell her I love her, that could change everything, an ace in my pocket, if you will. I think it would at least make her consider taking a closer look, and maybe down the line she would take me back, but i think it will take time

  2. You have to understand she is known for saying one thing and meaning another thing. She plays games, hard to get, all that stuff, her actions are what count, and she is calling me, missing me, thinking of me, and this new guy is nothing but a distraction, im hoping

  3. i would not say " i think im in love with you", i would say "i love you", im not stupid, lol, just last night we talked and before we got into a fight she told me that i was behaving like the victim, when in reality she was the victim. She said " you know how many times i said i love you and you never said anything back?" " do you know how many times i asked to be with you and u said no?" she basically made it sound like she was the one who suffered all along, and i guess she did

  4. Everytime we talk she tells me things like this: "I dont see myself marrying you", "We aren't meant to be", "I care about you but I dont want to be with you anymore", i would feel silly telling her how i feel just to have her throw it in my face, but who knows, they say those 3 words are very powerful, only thing is, she told me many times before and i never told her, she could get sweet revenge if i told her, and shut me out, its scary

  5. So you think I should tell her I love her, and then just walk away and let her decide? I've heard that advice before, but im scared. I do think i love her, and i would like to tell her, but she is seeing someone new, i don't think she would drop him just because i said those 3 words, do u?

  6. I just have so many questions, why does she call? i know she may want me as backup, she has a history of going back to old boyfriends, not while i was with her though, just in general. She has a hard time being alone, and a hard time saying good-bye to someone she cares about. i think my best bet is to walk away and let her wonder for a few months, what do u think?

  7. thanks for your opinion, i appreciate it patience. The thing is, i do feel deeply for this girl, possibly even the L word, and i cared all along, i just never showed my true colors, but just like u say, she says the same thing, that i just want her now cuz she is gone, but its not true, i always wanted her, i did a lot for her, just not the most romantic guy around

  8. i saw a few women, but i told her, it was mostly when we fought that we saw other people


    she just wanted to be a couple, boyfriend and girlfriend


    We fought about everything, but it stemmed from her frustration and unhappiness about me not committing


    i miss her and i told her i want to be with her, she is giving me a hard time now and just telling me she is happy with this new guy, but she still calls, and i know she is not over me yet

  9. Well the big thing is she is with another guy now, but i know she isnt over me yet, or she wouldn't be calling me as much as she does. I guess all i can hope for is that her "rebound" relationship fizzles out, like they usually do, and this girl can't be alone, so i know she will be back, but in the meantime, i hate being the second choice.

  10. I dont know what to think, all i know is i want her back. im hoping that things go sour with her new man, and she realizes what she is missing, i was so good to her, just not very emotional and expressive. She is usually happy to hear from me until i get sad and pester her about "us" after 5 minutes of talking. I know she would be bothered if i totally stopped talking to her, but im afraid to let go, i dont wanna wait months for her to come back, its horrible, i made very bad mistakes in how i dealt with her, i know what i lost now, and i want it back so bad

  11. Hmm, well I guess I didn't want to feel weak, I didn't want her to feel she had control over me. Also, i didn't know if I could fully trust her, cuz like i said, she went out with other men while she was with me, i think to make a point to me and try to force me to committ, but i was less likely to do it each time she saw another guy, its a sticky mess i know

  12. Hey man, I'm in the same boat, I never committed to my ex, we dated but I never became her boyfriend, she always asked me to be, i always blew her off. She told me she loved me, and I didn't say anything back. She dumped me after I finally decided to get more serious, it hurts a lot. Now she is also with someone else, and now i want her more then anything. I made some bad mistakes, and would love to turn back the clock.

  13. Long story short


    We dated 11 months, but never officially a couple though

    She wanted more, I never committed, i move slow

    She said she loved me after 5 months, I said nothing

    She always asked for more and told me how she felt, I did nothing

    We had fun, but we also fought a lot, she wasn't truly happy

    she went out with other guys, cuz we werent official yet

    I got jealous but still wouldn't committ

    finally i decided to be more serious and asked her to be my girl

    She said she had to think about it, One week later she dumped me

    I tried to work it out, told her how i felt, she didn't change her mind

    Now she wants to be friends, but she is seeing someone new

    She calls me and sends me e-mail, but we always fight cuz now i want more from her, but she says she is happy with her new man


    What should i do? NC for sure, but do u think this is repairable in the future?

  14. Here is my story:


    My ex and I dated for almost a year, but we were never officially "boyfriend and girlfriend". She indicated that she wanted more from me on many occasions, but I always brushed her advances off. We spent a lot of time together and had fun in the beginning, but soon we were fighting a lot, because she said she wasn't getting what she wanted. I cared about her, but I just wasn't ready to commit to her just yet, I move slow. She introduced me to her family, friends, and even co-workers. I even spent the holidays with her family, which was nice. She, however, complained that I never introduced her to my family or friends, and that bothered her. She told me she loved me after 5 months, but I didn't say it back, because I wasn't sure how I felt. She said since I wasn't her boyfriend that she could do whatever she wanted. She went out with other guys, and of course it bothered me. I think she just did it to get me jealous, because she would always let me know about it. Still, I didn't make her my girlfriend, but I still cared for her, and we still dated. She would tell me she loved me about every month, and I never said it back. She continued to ask me to be her boyfriend, but I always denied her. Finally, one day I told her I wanted to be more serious with her, and she said she would think about it, one week later she dumped me. I finally decided to give her what she wanted, but it was too late. I tried to convince her to stay, but she didn't change her mind. Funny thing is, she did say she loved me one last time just 4 days before ending it. She still wants to be friends she says, and she calls me every now and then to talk, but we always end up fighting because I talk about "us" and how I want to be with her so much. She is seeing someone new now and she says she is happy. I regret not telling her how I felt when I was with her, and I would give anything to once and for all, be her boyfriend. Any advice???

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