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  1. Hi erics gal, I feel the same way as you when my boyfriend looks at another woman. We go to movies all the time where there is nudity or women who are half naked. It bothers me so much that I push him away. It bothers him as well if there is a half naked guy, but it happens so infrequently compared to female nudity, that its never an issue. We went to a movie last night in which there was a pair of lesbians (the movie wasn't about this...jsut happened to have this in it) which I know he likes the idea of....there were also other half naked women in the movie. The rest of the evening was shot because I was in an awful mood.....I didn't want him to touch me and try and reassure me. I hate the thought of my boyfriend being turned on by someone else. The thought of it consumes me sometimes (like last night) and I can't do anything about it. Realistically I know that naked men are attractive to me too, but it's not everywhere in our society like women are. I'm starting to realize taht I'm just going to have to live with it, but there are times when I dont' think I can. I've actually considered breaking up with him because I'd rather be alone than feel as though I'm sharing him. Lately I've come to realize that I would be crazy to leave him because of this, and I'm going to have to learn to deal with it somehow. Truthfully, I haven't figured out how yet. So believe me, you're not alone. Michelle
  2. Hi, I'm incredibly jealous when my boyfriend looks at other women. We've been going out for three months and I know he's crazy about me and loves me. But when he looks at someone else it feels as though he doesn't appreciate me, or that I'm not good enough somehow. His friends go places specifically to look at other girls (even though a lot of them have girlfriends), and my boyfriend doesn't go because he knows it bothers me. I feel as though I'm restricting his freedom, but I can't stand the thought of him going. I know that he'd never leave me because he's crazy about me, but I still feel this way. Even to the point where we'll fight if I see him glance at someone else. I hate the way I feel and I dont' know how to change it. He's jealous too but doesn't let it show, whereas I do. I'm not really sure how to control my feelings. Michelle
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