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  1. I've read through all the posts and can really see how following NC can make or break a lot of different things. Here's my question, though. My gf stated on Sunday that she needed time and space. We haven't had contact since then except for when I sent her an email about whether we were still going to a wedding that we had planned to attend next week. She responded that she hadn't decided yet and she would let me know. My question is should I send her an email back just stating that other things had come up and that I cant go. (Basically to take back some of the control). Or wait until she contacts me about it and then let her know that I didn't hear from her and something else came up? I don't want to play games, because I want to go, but, I don't want her to "have her cake and eat it too". I guess if she doesn't contact me about it at all then it's time to move on. But, until then, this is where I'm at.
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